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Category — Virtual Lushary

Underwater Bar

A few weeks ago, Kristin wrote about this underwater restaurant in the Maldives on her blog.  We’re obviously in a fishy sort of place right now, spending a lot of time this summer at the aquarium.  There is something about the quiet of sitting underwater that is appealing to me right now.

My friend posted this video on Facebook and since watching it, I can’t get it out of my head.  I’m not sure why it got so deeply under my skin.

It’s terrifying to watch someone falling into that darkness, even if it is only camera tricks and artistic license.  It is beyond beautiful to watch a person take that sort of plunge.

Can we pretend the bar is underwater right now?  That sting rays are floating past the windows and starfish have glommed onto the glass?

As always, it has been about a month since we met, bitched, cried, comforted, and caught up each other on our cycles and lives. Pull up a seat and I’ll pour you a drink. Let everyone know what is happening in your life. The good, the bad, the ugly. My only request is that if a story catches your eye, you follow it back to the person’s blog and start reading their posts. Give some love, give some support, or laugh with someone until your drink comes out of your nose.

I have a ton of assvice in my back pocket and as a virtual bartender, I will give it to you unless you specifically tell me that this is simply a vent and you do not want to receive anything more than a hug.

So if you have been a lurker for a while (or if this is your first open bar), sit down and tell us about yourself. Remember to provide a link or a way for people to continue reading your story (or if you don’t have a blog–gasp!–you can always leave an email address if you’re looking for advice or support. If not, people can leave messages for that person here in the comments section too). If you’re a regular at the bar, I’ll get out your engraved martini glass while you make yourself comfortable. And anyone new, welcome. I’m glad you found this virtual bar.

For those who have no clue what I’m talking about when I say that the bar is open, click here to catch up and then jump into the conversation back on this current post.

So have an imaginary cocktail and tell us what is up with your life.

June 21, 2010   48 Comments

Spring into Summer

You know the opening of Our Town, when the narrator is setting the scene and you’re finding out these small facts about all the town members?  Well, that’s sort of what reading the comments on the last post was like.  Just picturing each person engaged in an activity, and then sitting down at their computer.  A small insight into their world.

In my funk, I have mentally checked out of spring and into summer.  My mind is on beaches, and beaches, and swimming pools, and then beaches.  I am well aware that it is only May and too cold on most days to go swimming.   In fact, it is grey and dreary and raining today.  But that doesn’t mean that my mind hasn’t stretched out her towel and plopped down with some trashy books and a fruity drink.

The bar is open if you want to join me.

As always, it has been about a month since we met, bitched, cried, comforted, and caught up each other on our cycles and lives. Pull up a seat and I’ll pour you a drink. Let everyone know what is happening in your life. The good, the bad, the ugly. My only request is that if a story catches your eye, you follow it back to the person’s blog and start reading their posts. Give some love, give some support, or laugh with someone until your drink comes out of your nose.

I have a ton of assvice in my back pocket and as a virtual bartender, I will give it to you unless you specifically tell me that this is simply a vent and you do not want to receive anything more than a hug.

So if you have been a lurker for a while (or if this is your first open bar), sit down and tell us about yourself. Remember to provide a link or a way for people to continue reading your story (or if you don’t have a blog–gasp!–you can always leave an email address if you’re looking for advice or support. If not, people can leave messages for that person here in the comments section too). If you’re a regular at the bar, I’ll get out your engraved martini glass while you make yourself comfortable. And anyone new, welcome. I’m glad you found this virtual bar.

For those who have no clue what I’m talking about when I say that the bar is open, click here to catch up and then jump into the conversation back on this current post.

So have an imaginary cocktail and tell us what is up with your life.

May 17, 2010   45 Comments

Truth, Lie, and Bounce

A few weeks ago, BlogHer asked people to add a strange fact about themselves to their profile.  I added my fear of mayonnaise (you didn’t know this because you’re a new reader?  Deathly afraid of mayonnaise.  As in, I don’t even walk down that aisle in the food store).

After that was done, BlogHer rolled out the second part, which is an online scavenger hunt.  Knowing it would be too difficult to have people comb through the 44.8 milli0n blogs on BlogHer (I may have made that number up.  But it’s a lot of blogs), they made the game an easy guess between two choices.

But the fun part was reading these crazy facts about random people (one person wrote her first kiss was with Scott Baio, another admitted that she has played poker with Brad Pitt more than once, and another was a standardized patient for hospitals).

So, in honour of that game, I am proposing my own game at the Lushary.

Here’s how you play:

  1. Leave a comment below telling either a truth or a lie about yourself along with your monthly update about yourself (don’t forget to post about yourself–last month the first few people posted mondegreens and then didn’t write anything about their own month).  It has to be one or the other, not a partial truth or a sort of lie.  If you’re going to lie, make it a good one.  And if you’re going to tell the truth, make it a damn fine one too.
  2. Make sure you enter the url for your blog if you have one when filling out your comment so people can find your blog.
  3. Either go back to your blog and publish a brief post about your truth or lie, expanding on the story OR if you don’t have a blog (or don’t want to write a post), wait at least two hours to return and write your answer in the comment section below (hence the “bounce” in the title.  You will either have to bounce over to their blog to find out whether it is a truth or lie, or bounce past the other comments to find their follow up).
  4. Make sure you follow up in some way.  Hearing the larger story or finding out that it was just a damn good lie is the fun part.
  5. Keep self-score at home seeing how many you get right.

And don’t, don’t, don’t forget to tell us what is happening in your life too.

As always, it has been about a month since we met, bitched, cried, comforted, and caught up each other on our cycles and lives. Pull up a seat and I’ll pour you a drink. Let everyone know what is happening in your life. The good, the bad, the ugly. My only request is that if a story catches your eye, you follow it back to the person’s blog and start reading their posts. Give some love, give some support, or laugh with someone until your drink comes out of your nose.

I have a ton of assvice in my back pocket and as a virtual bartender, I will give it to you unless you specifically tell me that this is simply a vent and you do not want to receive anything more than a hug.

So if you have been a lurker for a while (or if this is your first open bar), sit down and tell us about yourself. Remember to provide a link or a way for people to continue reading your story (or if you don’t have a blog–gasp!–you can always leave an email address if you’re looking for advice or support. If not, people can leave messages for that person here in the comments section too). If you’re a regular at the bar, I’ll get out your engraved martini glass while you make yourself comfortable. And anyone new, welcome. I’m glad you found this virtual bar.

For those who have no clue what I’m talking about when I say that the bar is open, click here to catch up and then jump into the conversation back on this current post.

So have an imaginary cocktail and tell us what is up with your life.

April 14, 2010   32 Comments

Green Beer and Ill Communication

The Wolvog woke up Monday morning and informed us that his new name was a garbled mess that closely resembled Lucifer Dirty.  This is not the remarkable part because he often changes his name.  Last month, he asked us to call him by a single moniker: Shimps.

We tried to understand the new name and repeated what we heard several times, each time sending the Wolvog into a new fit when we didn’t pronounce it correctly (Lucifer Ditty?  Joosifer Dirty?  Chance Barbie?).  The boy was sobbing into his pillow over the idea that his parents couldn’t say his new name, the only name he would now have for the rest of his life until he changed it again next month.

When I picked him up from school, he told me in a voice reeking of incredulity that no one called him by his new name at school.  “Did you tell them your new name?” I asked.  No, he hadn’t.  But it was just that powerful a name that he assumed that somehow, it would enter their minds via telepathy.

I finally asked him to spell it and with a few stops and starts, he finally settled on this:

Jancefer Birdie

“Google it,” he told me.  So I did, and Google told me that not only was the full name not found on any page, but Jancefer alone was not found either.  He smiled this secret, pleased smile, the sort of smile an evil dictator does when they’ve seen a particularly appealing beheading.

Later in the evening, I finally found the source of his new name, a Google app for the iPhone called Let’s Golf where the game shouts out in the promo: “chance for a birdie!”  Which reminded me of a friend who had a younger brother who named his goldfish Kimber because that’s what he thought people called out when they chopped down a tree.

But why explain that and spoil it?

I am thrilled that my son, Jancefer, has picked up my inability to hear things correctly (I am the Queen of the Wrong Lyric).

In addition to catching us up on your life, tell us your best mondegreen.

And happy almost St. Patrick’s Day (unless you’re reading this on Wednesday and in that case, happy St. Patrick’s Day)!

As always, it has been about a month since we met, bitched, cried, comforted, and caught up each other on our cycles and lives. Pull up a seat and I’ll pour you a drink. Let everyone know what is happening in your life. The good, the bad, the ugly. My only request is that if a story catches your eye, you follow it back to the person’s blog and start reading their posts. Give some love, give some support, or laugh with someone until your drink comes out of your nose.

I have a ton of assvice in my back pocket and as a virtual bartender, I will give it to you unless you specifically tell me that this is simply a vent and you do not want to receive anything more than a hug.

So if you have been a lurker for a while (or if this is your first open bar), sit down and tell us about yourself. Remember to provide a link or a way for people to continue reading your story (or if you don’t have a blog–gasp!–you can always leave an email address if you’re looking for advice or support. If not, people can leave messages for that person here in the comments section too). If you’re a regular at the bar, I’ll get out your engraved martini glass while you make yourself comfortable. And anyone new, welcome. I’m glad you found this virtual bar.

For those who have no clue what I’m talking about when I say that the bar is open, click here to catch up and then jump into the conversation back on this current post.

So have an imaginary cocktail and tell us what is up with your life.

March 16, 2010   68 Comments

Frozen Drinks

Our bodies are slowly becoming gelatinous masses from watching way too many Olympic events (isn’t this a strange fact of the Olympics–we watch people in states of incredible physical fitness and by the very fact that we’re not moving as we watch them, we are moving farther away from physical fitness).  On the schedule today: speedskating and women’s luge.

What we’re really waiting for is skeleton, which seems to be luge done on your stomach instead of your back.  I’m not sure why we’re more excited to see people hurtling themselves down an icy track on their fronts rather than their backs, but we are.

What is your favourite event at the Olympics?  And while I pour virtual drinks, also catch us up on what has happened to you since last month’s Lushary.

As always, it has been about a month since we met, bitched, cried, comforted, and caught up each other on our cycles and lives. Pull up a seat and I’ll pour you a drink. Let everyone know what is happening in your life. The good, the bad, the ugly. My only request is that if a story catches your eye, you follow it back to the person’s blog and start reading their posts. Give some love, give some support, or laugh with someone until your drink comes out of your nose.

I have a ton of assvice in my back pocket and as a virtual bartender, I will give it to you unless you specifically tell me that this is simply a vent and you do not want to receive anything more than a hug.

So if you have been a lurker for a while (or if this is your first open bar), sit down and tell us about yourself. Remember to provide a link or a way for people to continue reading your story (or if you don’t have a blog–gasp!–you can always leave an email address if you’re looking for advice or support. If not, people can leave messages for that person here in the comments section too). If you’re a regular at the bar, I’ll get out your engraved martini glass while you make yourself comfortable. And anyone new, welcome. I’m glad you found this virtual bar.

For those who have no clue what I’m talking about when I say that the bar is open, click here to catch up and then jump into the conversation back on this current post.

So have an imaginary cocktail and tell us what is up with your life.

February 16, 2010   45 Comments

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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