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Setting the Timer

I’ve been limiting how much news I consume for a long time, either setting a timer when I think I’ll need the reminder or simply noting the time when I begin reading with a promise to get off after 10 – 15 minutes. Reading the news makes me upset because it’s all terrible, and it is better to read until informed and then move away to process instead of continuing to read opinion after opinion, each telling me that the world is absolutely definitely going to end.

Is it the end of the world?

It feels different, but then I see pieces like that, and I realize that I’ve said before it feels different. So maybe we’re 100% in a state of falling apart, but it never comes?

There is this:

A peer-reviewed 2021 survey of people aged between 16 and 25 around the world found that 56% agreed with the statement “Humanity is doomed”. In a 2020 YouGov poll, nearly one in three Americans said they expected an apocalyptic event in their lifetimes, with the Christian Judgment Day relegated to fourth place by a pandemic, climate change and nuclear war; zombies and aliens brought up the rear.

The end of the article perhaps has the answer.

1 comment

1 a { 05.07.24 at 10:13 am }

I just keep hoping for that giant meteor…

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