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#Microblog Monday 487: Meat-eating Pets

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Josh and I were reading an article about how to deter black bears, which Josh called my “how-to” guide so I could do all the things they said not to do. It said (so we will) not to leave out bird seed, chicken feed, dog food, or garbage. Maybe we’ll skip that last one.

But it occurred to me that if we got a dog, we would have a meat-eater in the house. We have had only vegetarian pets who eat the same things we eat. I mean, not all the same things, but I eat everything Beorn eats. Beorn and I often share an apple or vegetables, and he gets pieces of everything I’m chopping up as I cook dinner. He loves when I’m cooking because he knows he will get bits of food.

But if we had a dog, we would have a meat-eater in the house because a dog wouldn’t be happy with a diet of dry lettuce. It made me wonder how other vegetarians handle dog and cat food.


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1 Jess { 04.29.24 at 9:30 pm }

Hmmmmm, interesting! Yep, dogs and cats need the meats. Good thing you love all creatures guinea pig! You are great matches for each other. And yikes, bears! We get occasional marauding young males, bit I haven’t seen one. Just bear poop, and that was full of berries so maybe it was a vegetarian bear. 🙃

2 a { 04.29.24 at 10:04 pm }

There are some crazy people who try to force their carnivorous animals to adopt a vegan/vegetarian diet. But, worry not! If you get the right dog, you could still share snacks! My sister’s dog gets green beans for treats. Some dogs enjoy carrots. Most dogs love peanut butter. There’s some common ground.

3 Working mom of 2 { 05.01.24 at 12:06 am }

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