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Acting Okay

I’m not sure why CafeMom needed to do a roundup last week of all the times Anne Hathaway spoke about infertility and loss, but I did think the first situation sounded hellacious.

She was in a play about “an F16 fighter pilot whose career stalls after she unexpectedly becomes pregnant,” and every night after her miscarriage, she had to get on stage and pretend to be pregnant and give birth.

Night after night after night.

While it’s not a competition, having to go to work and teach kids when I couldn’t have kids myself was pretty awful, too. Still, at least I wasn’t the only person in a one-woman show, up on a stage with every eye in the theater only watching me, living out my otherwise for other people’s entertainment.


1 Mali { 04.01.24 at 8:10 pm }

Both situations (hers and yours) sound horrendous. Just continuing on without telling people anywhere is hard, let alone these two situations.

2 a { 04.19.24 at 12:14 pm }

Yikes. 😬

That’s all I have to say about that.

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