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#Microblog Monday 465: Cleaning Report

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Josh and I split the house into sections, and we were going to de-clutter one area each week or so, making the house the most organized space in the world before the twins returned for Thanksgiving break. They would marvel at the order. We would smile and say, “It was nothing.”

Yeah, it was pretty much nothing.

We tackled the first section in the first week. Our kitchen was so organized. We started the second section the second week. We stopped in the middle of it because it was a lot of decisions. We put off making those decisions the next week and the following week until we arrive at today (after Thanksgiving), and we’ve only organized 1.5 sections.

We’re now aiming for summer because decision-making is hard.


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1 Phoenix { 11.27.23 at 12:42 pm }

Yes, give yourself more time than you think you’ll need. I’m doing this throughout my house right now too, but I’m giving myself until January 2025 to finish. Decluttering and organizing is awesome, but it can also be exhausting, emotional, and even cognitively demanding.

2 Mali { 11.27.23 at 5:56 pm }

Oh, that’s me in a nutshell! At the moment I’m in the inspired mode! I have a four week deadline – Christmas – to clean up, as we were having visitors, but now two more unexpected ones are coming too, so I badly need the space to be organised. But the “required too many decisions” phase is always what stops me. Sigh.

I’m starting tomorrow. lol Wish me luck!

3 loribeth { 11.27.23 at 6:58 pm }

I hear you! I always start with great intentions, and then get sidetracked. Small steps…!

4 Jess { 11.27.23 at 7:25 pm }

Ooof. Even breaking a major de-clutter down is definitely a lot of decisions. Summer sounds do-able. I get super distracted while de-cluttering and then do weird things like decide I urgently need to color-code my underwear drawer. I hope you had a great holiday visit!

5 a { 11.29.23 at 11:18 am }

I keep telling myself I’ll do all that when I retire. I get some stuff done in bursts, and then there’s a long lull. It’s OK – the kid will take care of the rest when I’m dead!

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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