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#Microblog Monday 458: Dinner Time

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What time do you eat dinner, and is it the usual time for where you live?

I’m not sure where I found this, but it’s a breakdown of when people eat dinner in your state. We eat later than the people in our state, but we’re closer to DC than other parts of Maryland, so maybe that impacts our dinner time. We’re usually closer to 7 pm than 6 pm, but it was funny to see and think, “Oh, if I lived in Pennsylvania or Maine, I would be eating dinner while I’m still at work.” I also thought California would be much later.

So what time do you eat?


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1 AnneB { 10.09.23 at 10:05 am }

Our dinner time ebbs and flows with kid activities. Three nights a week we eat at 5 to be out the door at 5:30 for sports. The other nights we probably eat around 6. I try to plan a time for most everyone to be present.

2 loribeth { 10.09.23 at 3:59 pm }

Since we retired, dh & I eat at 5:30 p.m., almost without fail. Not sure how that started! Right now, however, we’re visiting my parents, where dinner is seldom on the table before 6:30, and more often 7 or 7:30. There’s also an hour’s time difference, which means dh & I are eating around 7:30-8:30 our time — i.e., we’re usually starving by the time we sit down to dinner…! Sigh.

3 Nicoleandmaggie { 10.09.23 at 4:00 pm }

Same as Anne B— we try to cram dinner in before activities.

4 Mali { 10.09.23 at 6:02 pm }

We eat around 7 pm, sometimes later. When we were working, we never got home before 6 or 6.30 pm on a normal day, so we’re just in that habit. Meeting up with family recently was a clash of cultures – our hosts were used to eating around 6 pm, and the other was later than us, and they begged for a later dinner booking than 6 pm at a restaurant. They were graciously given 6.30! lol Which is early for us when eating out too. The real clash of cultures is when we go to Spain, and restaurants don’t turn the lights on until 10 pm!

5 JustHeather { 10.10.23 at 5:16 pm }

We usually eat around 5:30 or 6. I suppose as the kids get a bit older we might move it a bit later.
I’m not sure if we’re the norm around here or not. I think some families eat earlier and then have a small snack before bed. And then others must surely eat later, because I see small kids out at the store when mine are already getting ready for bed. (My 8 & 11 year olds still get a proper amount of sleep, non-negotiable.)

6 a { 10.11.23 at 5:03 pm }

Dinner? What’s that?

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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