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#Microblog Monday 457: What Is This Called?

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I saw this article of clothing in Quebec City. I tried it on, but everything fell apart when I attempted to get it over my head. The employees at the store watched in amusement, and I put it back and slinked out, embarrassed. When we walked by the store again, I snapped a picture so I could figure out how to wear it.

But I can’t even figure out what to call it. Is there a name for this type of wrap? Where did I go so completely wrong trying to slip it on? How can I purchase something like this now that we’re at home when I can’t even begin to think what to call it to search online?

What Is This?


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1 loribeth { 10.02.23 at 9:34 am }

I have no idea?? (It’s certainly not a “Canadian” thing — although maybe it’s a Quebecois thing?? lol) The closest thing I can think of is that it looks like a shorter & more stylish version of the ponchos we used to wear when I was a kid back in the early 1970s? Keeps your shoulders warm but leaves your hands free.

2 AnneB { 10.02.23 at 9:49 am }

That is pretty. Have you tried Google reverse image to find it. I would search for a pullover shawl or poncho.

3 Nicoleandmaggie { 10.02.23 at 11:48 am }

It looks like a poncho, but those are usually easy to put on? Just head through hole? Did this have separate sleeves?

4 Anne B { 10.02.23 at 2:24 pm }
5 Mel { 10.02.23 at 5:31 pm }

That pretty much looks EXACTLY like it. And seeing it enlarged on that screen, I can even see how I could create this for myself at home. I am so excited. Thank you so much for finding this. I kept googling things like “poncho,” “shawl,” “scarf wrap,” and nothing turned up something like this.

6 Jess { 10.02.23 at 8:49 pm }

I feel like it is some kind of shawl/shrug thing, but it looks like Anne found it for you! Mystery solved!

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