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#Microblog Monday 448: Ocean Pools

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A Strong Sense of Place linked to a piece on ocean-fed pools. I love these! I’m sure they exist in the US, but I’ve only seen them in Europe.

It’s the joy of being in the ocean without the fears of being in the ocean. A barrier allows water to flow into the enclosed swimming area, but people can’t get dragged out to sea by an undertow. The first place we ever saw one was in North Berwick, Scotland. I didn’t realize it was a thing in many places until we saw one the following year in St. Malo, France.

New vacation goals. Aim for ocean pools.


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1 comment

1 Mali { 07.03.23 at 7:36 pm }

There’s a very famous one in Sydney at Bondi Beach too. Can’t believe they left that out of the article! (In fact, the Australians claim it is the most famous one in the world.) Google tells me there are 35 ocean pools in Sydney alone. A friend used to swim in one every lunch-time. So add Sydney pools to your list. Definitely worth a visit!

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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