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#Microblog Monday 446: Guilty Pleasure

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I just finished reading Bad Summer People, which is a little like White Lotus set on Fire Island. You know someone will die because the book begins with a dead body. But you mostly forget something will happen because the people are so terrifically awful that you’re sucked into their drama even though you’re not really rooting for anyone to win.

I felt guilty enjoying it so much because the residents of the very real Saltaire (the town fictionalized as Salcombe in the book) were upset by early versions of the book satirizing Fire Island life. I’m unsure if any characters or situations were based on real people or events, though I’m assuming from reactions that the answer is yes.


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1 comment

1 Mali { 06.19.23 at 11:15 pm }

I guess I’d be upset too, if they were using my name, as suggested in the article. The book sounds as if it might be fun though. As long as the people aren’t too awful! lol

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