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#Microblog Monday 437: Arguments

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I have not explored AI beyond reading transcripts of conversations with Bing, but I am amused by Opinionate, where you pose a question and allow two bots to argue on your behalf. Without signing up, you get one free debate per day; if you sign up, it goes up to three arguments per day.

I asked it something real, and it gave me a surface-y but detailed answer. It pulled real data to argue the point but used one tiny fact to form the whole argument, ignoring everything else. Still, it was pretty impressive. For a bot.


Are you also doing #MicroblogMondays? Add your link below. The list will be open until Tuesday morning. Link to the post itself, not your blog URL. (Don’t know what that means? Please read the three rules on this post to understand the difference between a permalink to a post and a blog’s main URL.) Only personal blogs can be added to the list. I will remove any posts connected to businesses or sponsored posts.


1 Mali { 04.17.23 at 9:10 am }

I haven’t used them either. Opinionate sounds fun though. And my BIL posted a bot a question for me the other night after a boozy discussion. I’m going to have to try it out too I guess.

2 loribeth { 04.17.23 at 1:43 pm }

Haven’t tried it yet. Last weekend’s Globe & Mail included an article from Ron Graham, a well-known Canadian journalist, who had AI write his biography, with his corrections in parentheses. It was both alarming (how much it got wrong) and hilarious. I think it’s behind a paywall, but you can try the link:


3 Jess { 04.17.23 at 8:59 pm }

I kind of don’t want to try it, because the explosion in AI is frankly scary to me. I do not like that there are so many instances where AI is taking over actual creative jobs, like somehow a bot can write a piece that is more advantageous than a real live human writing. I kind of feel like, HAS NO ONE SEEN TERMINATOR? Skynet is here.
(Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but with actual terror underneath, haha.)

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