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#Microblog Monday 424: Class of 2023

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Back when the kids were in Kindergarten, one of the other parents commented that our kids would be the class of 2023. 2023? That was ridiculously far away. Nothing to worry about.

Except the calendar page has flipped, and suddenly we’re in that year, months away from graduation. I know that winter break isn’t the halfway point — we’re still in the second grading period — but it emotionally feels like the halfway point. Like we crossed onto the other side of a line, and we’re now standing on the same side of graduation. I am so proud of them for the people they’ve grown up to be. And I am so sad to be on the other side of the line, looking at that endpoint.


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1 a { 01.02.23 at 7:46 am }

Wow! Already? Where does the time go?

2 Justine { 01.02.23 at 8:40 am }

Funny…I think about this every year, from the “this is the year the class of ___ will graduate” side of things. And was thinking today that it’s just one more year until Ian’s turn. 💜

3 Maya { 01.02.23 at 8:43 am }

I’m sorry you’re close to that endpoint, Mel. I’ve crossed that line with one kid and truly haven’t really gotten “over” it. But also there are lots of ways in which things get more interesting and there are more opportunities for “nachas.” Additionally, this might seem counterintuitive, but I envy that both your kids will take off at the same time. It’s somehow sadder parenting the one left behind who also misses the older sibling. Not sure if I’m explaining it in a way that makes sense…

4 Jess { 01.02.23 at 8:20 pm }

It really is something when a date sounds so very far away, and then all of a sudden… you’re in that year. It’s exciting and bittersweet all at once, I’m sure. 2023 sounds so…future-y, but here we are. On a smaller scale, we have an 8th grade Luau every year to celebrate the end of the year, and there’s t-shirts with the year the kids graduate. It always seems so far away — and then when we hit that year 4 years later it’s crazy! And that’s just 4 years. Thinking of you at this time of mixed emotions.

5 Mali { 01.03.23 at 12:32 am }

Yes, 2023 sounds absurd, doesn’t it? And yes, it is an endpoint in one way, but there are so many exciting times ahead too. Complicated mixed emotions, as Jess said.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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