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#Microblog Monday 389: Taste Memories

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There is a burrito place in Massachusetts that I went to on my first day of grad school — technically before classes began — with two fellow students I met in the department lounge. I loved this burrito place so much (maybe because in that moment I felt so happy to have met two new people and felt a sense of belonging) that I went back at least once a week for the next four years.

The menu has changed over the years, but every time I’m back in the area, we go there and I ask them to make me a burrito that was on their menu twenty years ago. They have all of the ingredients, so they’re happy to recreate it. And then I spend the next half hour wrapped up in a taste memory. They recreate it perfectly, and I want to cry whenever I access those memories through the first bite.

I wish there was a way to capture taste moments the way we capture visual moments with a photograph or auditory moments with a recording.


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1 a { 05.02.22 at 7:51 am }

Same. I can think of discontinued products and foods I ate on vacation that I would love to have again. I’m glad you can still get your burrito…

2 Phoenix { 05.02.22 at 11:12 am }

Oh, I feel this sentiment. I miss so many of my favorite meals from my favorite restaurants from where I used to live.

3 Mali { 05.02.22 at 9:01 pm }

Oh, I totally agree. There was an Italian trattoria in Vittorio Veneto, where I ate pumpkin gnocchi in the medieval square one evening. I so wish I could recreate that taste memory. Other taste memories I wish I could recreate include: my mother’s roast wild duck and gravy, an Italian pizza in a vegetarian restaurant on a cold day in Rome in 1998, the naan bread and dahl I used to eat with American AFS friends at an Indian restaurant on the way to the General Post Office when I was 17. Sigh. You’ve got me drooling. I’d better stop now!

4 Jenn { 05.03.22 at 12:25 am }

That burrito sounds amazing! I love taste memories a lot. Except for when it is a gluten thing and I can’t have it and it makes my mouth water!

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