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#Microblog Monday 351: First Day of the Week

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I recently learned that in the US, Sunday is considered the first day of the week. Which is funny because the days of the week in Hebrew are literally “first day,” “second day,” “third day,” etc. And Sunday is Yom Rishon or “first day.” But even with that linguistic fact, I’ve always thought of Monday as the first day.

I purposefully chose a calendar that has the week set up as Monday to Sunday so it fit my mental counting of the first day of the week.

What do you consider the first day of the week, and do you match up with your country??


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1 Mali { 05.17.21 at 8:16 am }

I’m not sure. Monday is always seen as the first day of the week, and I think of it that way. But the picture of the week in my head is bookended with the weekend days, even though that doesn’t make much sense. Now I’m all confused!

2 Working mom of 2 { 05.17.21 at 12:17 pm }

I’ve known for a while that Sunday is considered the first day, but my brain says Monday.

3 Sharon { 05.17.21 at 12:46 pm }

I’ve always felt that there is an inconsistency in calling Saturday and Sunday “the weekend” and considering Sunday the first day of the week. In looking at the calendar, I do consider Sunday the first day of week (because it appears that way on most calendar formats), but practically speaking, I tend to treat Monday as the first day of the week.

4 loribeth { 05.17.21 at 2:26 pm }

Hmmm… I have to agree with the commenters above. All the wall calendars I’ve ever seen run Sunday through Saturday. But my datebook/planner is Monday through Sunday, and I think it would feel weird to have it otherwise!

5 Phoenix { 05.17.21 at 2:38 pm }

The weekly planner I’ve used for many years starts the new week on Mondays, so I’ve come to think of Monday as the first day of the week (despite the calendars I have hanging in the kitchen and my sewing room starting each new week on Sundays). It goes along with the idea of Saturday and Sunday being the weekEND. Even in my time of unemployment, I’ve used the weekends for respite. Typically, I try to do things I enjoy on Saturday and spend the day at home on Sunday for laundry, watching tv, eating pizza, and resting. 🙂

It’s interesting to read other people’s perspectives!

6 Noemi { 05.20.21 at 9:52 pm }

In Spanish speaking countries the calendars always start on Monday (even the wall hanging kind). I always have to teach that because we learn the days of the week and students are used to seeing Sunday on the far left. I am definitely used to Sunday being there too and when I set up a monthly calendar with Monday on the far left I confuse myself. But in my head I think of Monday as the first day of the week. So I guess I have a visual “first day” and a mental “first day” and they are different.

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