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Pickling Vegetables

I read an article about scaling back goals in 2021, and I’ve decided to have a single goal: pickle more vegetables. I can make it fancier: “Pickle more vegetables after developing my own pickling spice.” Or easier: “Phone in the act of pickling more vegetables.”

I got invited to a Zoom pickle party. It wasn’t actually called that—it was something more like “learn how to make pickles on Zoom.” But I started referring to the event as my Zoom pickle party, clarifying that this wasn’t a euphemism for whatever you’re thinking right now. It was straightforward. Me, cucumbers, a bunch of other people, Zoom = pickles.


Do you know how hard it is to find pickling spice in the middle of winter? Trust me. It’s difficult. Josh had to do curbside pickup from Penzeys. (Thank you, Penzeys.) I almost went to the Zoom class sans materials. That felt like the perfect embodiment of scaling back goals—I was going to show up to a class unable to participate in the class.

But in the end, I powered through and got the ingredients. And I heard lovely stories about pickle making, and learned a new technique. In a few days, we’re going to have homemade kosher dill pickles. And from now on, pickled vegetables all the freakin’ time.

This is who I’ve become after ten months at home.


1 a { 01.19.21 at 8:37 am }

I think I have pickling spice from circa 1995 in my cabinet. Do you think it’s still useable? Hahahahahaha!

I made pickles once. They were OK, but not crisp enough. I haven’t figured out that magic yet. Maybe someday.

2 Lorin { 01.19.21 at 10:48 am }

Make sure you’re cutting off the blossom end. And – this is old fashioned but I think it works – try pre-soaking in pickling lime.

3 Mali { 01.19.21 at 11:25 pm }

” …clarifying that this wasn’t a euphemism for whatever you’re thinking right now. ” How did you know???

Like the sound of the pickles. Last year I got into preserves – tomato chutney/relish and zucchini relish. You can try those next!

4 nicoleandmaggie { 01.20.21 at 10:17 am }

Yay Penzey’s! (My penzey’s collection is mostly on display in our today’s blogpost…)

5 jivf { 01.21.21 at 12:23 pm }

I feel you! I would love to join a zoom pickle party. I recently got the bug to make my own vanilla extract.

6 Anne B { 01.21.21 at 4:40 pm }

You should check out The Joy of Pickling by Linda Ziedrich. She has a good blog too. https://agardenerstable.com/ I love to pickle. I need to do more of it. My favorite are fermented dill pickles and sauerkraut, but my results are hit or miss in my fermentation crock.

7 Jessica { 01.21.21 at 9:22 pm }

I think “Zoom Pickle Party” is my new favorite phrase. Your pickles are gorgeous! I got Bryce a fermenting kit for Christmas and he just harvested (?) his first crop (batch?) of pickled jalapenos & carrots. Pickling is such a cool, old fashioned thing to do! I bet your pickles will be so delicious. Pickling sure is pretty.

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