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798th Friday Blog Roundup

Josh and the kids cleared the weeds out of the backyard, and it is lovely. Maybe lovely is too strong a word. It is a space to sit and think. I’ve needed to do a lot of thinking this week.

I am looking forward to a quiet weekend. I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep this week, so I am not going to set an alarm tomorrow. I usually do on the weekend because I like to be awake before everyone else (quality alone time with Linus) and feel productive. But I am tapped out. I need to sleep, close out the world, and reset. And it is Father’s Day in the US this weekend, so we’ll see my dad from a distance and thank Josh.

Wishing you peace of heart if you need it. I sense a lot of us need it right now.


Stop procrastinating. Go make your backups. Don’t have regrets.

Seriously. Stop what you’re doing for a moment. It will take you fifteen minutes, tops. But you will have peace of mind for days and days. It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments in order to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.


And now the blogs…

But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week. In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

Okay, now my choices this week.

In Quest of a Binky Moongee has a post about her niece’s graduation and the movement of time. She writes, “I remember this post that I wrote when she started college. That was when we hadn’t even made the embryos that became our children. I was feeling sad that she was going away for college and it seemed impossible for my future children to know her well.” Of course, many of the things we fear don’t come true. Her children love their older cousin, and she writes: “Infertility and the delay in having my kids didn’t rob me the joy of my kids being close to my niece.” It’s a very sweet post about finding ways to connect during this socially-distant time.

Empty Arms, Broken Heart has a brief post about her child processing adoption. She is working through big feelings that she can’t always put into words. She writes: “I suppose it’s because she trusts me that she pushes me away so hard.” Sending a hug.

Finally, Lavender Luz perfectly articulates how much word choice matters when it comes to discussing adoption. She dismantles a poorly written article, from outdated language to logical fallacies. She explains: “I’m frustrated because people looking for reasons to choose a closed adoption, which some adoptees have called a form of child abuse, will come across this article and consider it fact, permission to proceed in a harmful way.” Keep writing, loudly.

The roundup to the Roundup: I need to reset. Your weekly backup nudge. And lots of great posts to read. So what did you find this week? Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between June 12 – 19) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week? Read the original open thread post here.


1 JustHeather { 06.19.20 at 11:32 am }

Farther’s day isn’t until November here in Finland, however, I call my dad on both days. Father’s day (19th of June) has been unfortunately tainted with my mom’s death, 9 years ago. I know those of us in my family think of it, but I still make a point to try and keep the two separate.
It’s been hot here lately (78F-ish) and not going much below 70 at night. So, poor quality sleep here. Plus, allergy and depression meds… I have no idea which (if it can be blamed on just one) is the culprit for making me feeling more tired than usual. I hope you catch up on a bit of your needed sleep.

2 Sharon { 06.19.20 at 11:55 am }

I hear you on the need for rest. I normally am a champion sleeper, never suffer from insomnia and consistently get my 8 hours a night in, no problem. . . but since all this pandemic business started in March, I find myself needing to go to bed extra early at least one night a week.

I hope your weekend leaves you feeling restored.

3 Beth { 06.19.20 at 12:16 pm }

I also hope you get rest. I have not been sleeping well, nor have my children so even on nights I’m resting, they have often woken up with nightmares. We all need to catch up.

I’m looking forward to reading Lori’s post about adoption. Language is so important.

4 Working mom of 2 { 06.19.20 at 10:54 pm }

I’m hoping to get some rest too. My employer has officially ended the option to telework, so today was my last day working from home after almost 3 months. Since my kids don’t have summer camp, I have no childcare. I’m taking two weeks leave to start, and then probably every other week off for a while. I think it’s a completely foolish decision to send us back to the office when we are working productively from home and I’m scared to go back. I have not slept well for over six weeks, which was when my boss indicated we would be going back to the office in June. I fall asleep fine after reading a little bit, but every single night I wake up in the middle the night and I toss and turn and worrying about everything.

I’m also angry, because I’ve been busting my butt to get my job done, in the beginning I started my day at 7 AM which I figured would give me an extra hour in the morning and an extra hour lunch two hours which with I could use for helping my kids with online learning or getting them lunch etc. If anything I’ve neglected my kids and focused on work. And instead of congratulating me for doing a good job and thanking me I just get sent back to the office. Not just me, all the employees in my unit

I work in a public building and a public employee actually tested positive last week. So yeah, not excited to go back. But I have the next two weeks with my kids and I’m hoping I can get some sleep and relax with them. I haven’t been able to spend much time with them at all while working from home. Meanwhile cases in my county and state are surging and yet we are foolishly opening up further and further so it’s hard not to worry.

I’m also angry, because I’ve been busting my butt to get my job done. Since the beginning I started my day at 7 AM which I figured would give me an extra hour in the morning and with lunch, that gave me two hours which with I could use for helping my kids with online learning or getting them lunch etc. If anything I’ve neglected my kids and focused on work. And instead of congratulating me for doing a good job and thanking me I just get sent back to the office. Not just me, all the employees in my unit.

5 Lori Lavender Luz { 06.22.20 at 3:57 pm }

Ahhh…I hope you got some rest. And quality time with Linus, and some face time (real or virtual) with your Dad. It’s so important to know when we need to recharge.

And thank you for the shout out in the Roundup!

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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