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Mental Sampler 19

I have expressed a lot of feelings about the Macmillan e-book rules/embargo since it went into effect; mostly on social media but, clearly, also on my blog. My feelings about the whole thing intensified through the lens of COVID-19.

I love libraries, and I’m continuing to use paper books from libraries. But e-books are the perfect solution for not passing along the virus. You can check out the books from home. You are only touching your device. If you can’t afford to purchase books, it keeps reading free (except for taxpayer dollars) and safe. Which is what libraries are all about––making sure everyone has access to knowledge.

Which is why I’m irate that Macmillan hasn’t announced that they’re stopping their library buying restrictions for public health reasons. I’m aware that librarians could just as easily end their embargo, but doing so wouldn’t fix the problem because the restrictions would still be in place. Libraries could get one copy of a book vs. no copies of a book.

So that’s my rant of the day. I am really frustrated and disappointed in Macmillan for so many reasons, but this is the one pissing me off this morning.

What is making you cranky?


Speaking of books… Sophie Hannah is one of my favourite writers, and she announced a contest in the latest edition of her newsletter. Guess the end of her latest book and win a signed proof.


It’s not one of her usual mysteries––it’s nonfiction––but it is a puzzle. It’s called Happiness, a Mystery: And 66 Attempts to Solve It. It comes out in May, but her office said that they’re sending the copy now. I cannot wait to read this. And yes, I will have a review of it as soon as I read it in my regular monthly review post. Because I know I’m going to love it from the tiny snippet she included in the newsletter. And because she’s Sophie Hannah, and her books are perfection.


I really like the Dixie Chick’s new song, “Gaslighter,” but it made me sad when I thought about how the last song (I think?) about her marriage was “Easy Silence.” How things went from this to this.


I skipped Mental Sampler 17. It jumps from 16 to 18. I wonder why.

1 comment

1 a { 03.08.20 at 9:31 pm }

Because the coronavirus is just a hoax, you know. :/

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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