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#Microblog Monday 286: Searching Queen

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Google searches. They seem straightforward. You put keywords in the search bar. The algorithm spits back results. You usually find what you want.


This article from Scientific American about all the tricks you can do with searches just blew my mind. (At least, the “What Good Searchers Do” section.) I do almost none of them. Will I remember to do these tricks when I’m searching two weeks from now? Probably not. But will I remember this article and use it for — at least — the next ten minutes. Absolutely.

What are you searching for right now?


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1 Dubliner in Deutschland { 02.17.20 at 6:51 am }

Lately I’ve been searching for new recipes to try out.

2 a { 02.17.20 at 8:00 am }

I am a much better searcher than anyone in my family. Must be that summer where I spent weeks putting scientific research key words into a database to be searchable later…

3 loribeth { 02.17.20 at 9:34 am }

Let’s see… some recent searches include a new restaurant we were thinking of trying out (went to a different place instead), movies playing & showtimes at the local cineplex (we wound up not going), and names of actresses who could be cast in the movie version of a book my online book club is reading right now. 🙂

4 Lori Lavender Luz { 02.17.20 at 11:39 am }

Thank you for this! I can’t wait to find new ways to become a better searcher.

5 Risa Kerslake { 02.17.20 at 11:53 am }

I think I’ve found a new reason to put off work this morning. Heading off to read this article. I’m searching for some new recipes to make this week.

6 Sharon { 02.17.20 at 1:08 pm }

Many of my Google searches are for work-related topics. In my personal life, I most often use Google to answer questions from my sons or settle disputes with my husband. 😉

7 Mali { 02.17.20 at 4:47 pm }

Ooh, I’m looking forward to reading this. Recent searches have been easy ones – how to make limoncello (I will report anon), other recipe searches (I’m on a roll), etc – but I have one computer issue that I need to solve (my duplicate screen for my laptop periodically disconnects or blurs) and I can’t find a solution. So I’m going to try these techniques, and see if that helps. So thanks, Mel!

8 Jess { 02.17.20 at 9:25 pm }

This is so neat! I can’t believe I don’t reliably use the Control F thingie. And that whole search limiting thing to specific publications, wow! I am a tab hoarder, so I was pleased to see that searching in multiple tabs was recommended, ha. I’m searching for stuff on traveling to Scotland and sticking it all in my secret Pinterest Travel board, because we are planning a trip for this summer! (I pinned your posts of course.)

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