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#Microblog Monday 219: Sitzfleisch

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Being totally immodest: My ability to get stuff done is one of my best traits.  If I tell you that you will have a document on Thursday, I will likely have it to you on Tuesday.  You will not need to send me a reminder.  In twelve years of being a freelance writer, I have never missed a deadline.

I have great sitzfleisch.

At least, I thought I had great sitzfleisch because I am able to put my bum in a chair and get to work.  But I just read the other meaning for the word on the BBC:

It can also mean, in some cases, that one simply sits still and waits for a difficult situation to resolve itself. In that scenario, it’s still about endurance but rather the endurance to sit tight than the endurance to push through with hard work.

That is not me at all.  I do not have the endurance to wait, sit tight, or not nudge.  When I’m waiting for an answer or something to happen, I may not externally let the deciding party know that I’m fretting, but, believe me, I am Googling, journaling, or worrying as if it were my second job.

Are you someone who likes to move things along or wait and see what happens?


Are you also doing #MicroblogMondays? Add your link below. The list will be open until Tuesday morning. Link to the post itself, not your blog URL. (Don’t know what that means? Please read the three rules on this post to understand the difference between a permalink to a post and a blog’s main URL.) Only personal blogs can be added to the list. I will remove any posts that are connected to businesses or are sponsored post.

1. Mali (No Kidding) 6. Failing at Haiku 11. Amber
2. Mali (A Separate Life) 7. Rachel 12. Charlotte
3. Inconceivable! 8. Cristy 13. Jess
4. Laughing IS Conceivable2 9. Isabelle 14. Empty Arms, Broken Heart
5. Loribeth (The Road Less Travelled) 10. Inexplicably Missing


1 Nicoleandmaggie { 11.05.18 at 7:59 am }

Given that I spent all weekend knocking on doors giving people information on when and where to vote on Tuesday…

2 KatherineA { 11.05.18 at 8:21 am }

Waiting and seeing is, more or less, the bane of my existence. It’s probably at least in part due to the presence of my anxiety disorder, but I am horrible at just sitting on life things. I vividly remember how much time I spent googling and such during 2 week waits…and during betas…and in the early stages…and so on because I just could not let things ride and see what happened. I have to pick and think and worry and research even when none of this actually will change the outcome or help.

3 Lori Shandle-Fox { 11.05.18 at 9:37 am }

I’m both. I’m a strong believer in working your hardest but being aware of which way the winds are blowing around me. It’s taken a while to get this way. I think it’s a sign of maturity to be able to understand that I don’t have to control everything which works against the flow of life instead of letting it unfold naturally.

4 a { 11.05.18 at 9:40 am }

I totally wait for things to resolve themselves a lot of the time. Pushing things through is not generally useful, unless the situation involves only me and what I want. Any time I try to nudge things in a particular direction, it doesn’t work – probably because I don’t bother with subtlety. It’s very difficult for me to do, especially since I am generally decisive and impatient.

5 a { 11.05.18 at 9:41 am }

But, I am also (mostly) very good at deadlines unless I am being passive aggressive.

6 Cristy { 11.05.18 at 11:44 am }

I don’t do well with the wait-and-see approach. I see a problem and often want to dive right in. It takes a lot of effort to pull back and wait for resolution without me tinkering, which has often gotten me into trouble with others who thrive with this approach. It’s definitely a skill I’m working on.

And people who miss deadlines or put them off to the very end are the bane of my existence. It’s a form of laziness that I just don’t do well with as so many good projects end up never getting off the ground. I’m still learning how to navigate people like this, but generally they aren’t part of my life for very long.

7 Sharon { 11.05.18 at 12:29 pm }

I like to see things move along. I am constantly working on cultivating patience and feeling more comfortable with “wait and see.”

8 Chris { 11.05.18 at 1:39 pm }

I’m like you described yourself. I never need a reminder and my work is always done earlier. I have never procrastinated in my life. In school my assignments were always early. I never had to pull an all nighter to finish things because they were done weeks ahead. LOL. But, I have no ability to “wait and see.” None. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

9 Amber { 11.05.18 at 1:47 pm }

I’m a little of both. When it comes to conflict, or waiting for news about something, I am not very good at sitting back and waiting to see what happens. When I make my mind up to do something, I generally buckle down and get things done. However, I can also be the world’s biggest procrastinator at times.

10 Charlotte { 11.05.18 at 6:58 pm }

Well…I procrastinate for sure. But wait and see doesn’t work for me. In certain things, I try, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t eat me alive on the inside. I’m also not very patient, and when it’s something out of my hands, it takes a LOT of willpower to try and remain calm.

11 Mali { 11.05.18 at 7:08 pm }

I do both. When I’m working on something, I’ll work on it solidly and quickly. But I will procrastinate about getting there. Though I don’t wait for difficult situations to resolve themselves – I don’t think. I like to feel I have some control over the matter! When I have to (ie wait for my husband to make a decision about something), it drives me crazy.

12 Jess { 11.05.18 at 8:48 pm }

I have never heard that word before! Hmm, I like to have control so I tend to push things along, to ask a lot of questions, to HATE sitting in uncertainty. I’m sure I’m driving our realtor nuts with the constant “do we have a closing date yet? When is the appraisal? When? When? When?” texts. I hate waiting. I do however have a terrible habit of procrastinating a bit (although that is when my house and yard are the cleanest) but then slamming through things that I need to do but dread. But even then the waiting causes me angst, even though I’m the one causing it. 🙂

13 Lori Lavender Luz { 11.05.18 at 9:13 pm }

I recognize that in you because it is in me, too. And I love that about you.

Like many others, I do both. I am more a doer, but I have learned that when I get stuck in the doing stage, sometimes waiting is a good strategy toward resolution.

14 Beth { 11.06.18 at 6:39 am }

I can’t sit and wait and see if there is anything possible I can do. It’s funny but every time this topic comes up, I think of infertility. I could not stand the periods of waiting to see what would happen. I need to be getting stuff done.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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