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I Got to See Lori Last Night

The title says it all.  Lori was in town because she is a big deal, hot-shot, award-winning lady.  She was being honoured for her work in the adoption world, and she was in town to go to fancy parties and pick up her prize for Angels in Adoption.  I took the Metro into the city and met her at Union Pub.

Lori and Mel

That picture was taken after a lot of laughing and crying.

I met Lori on May 11, 2007 (I was wrong, Lori — I checked again and it was May 11th!) when she wrote me to join an online book club I was running for Peggy Orenstein’s book.  And then we started talking about non-book things and then met up at a teahouse when she was in town with her family and then went to BlogHer and then endured me while I bothered her through a panel called “What is Twitter” (or something like that).  And the rest is history.

Eleven years.

For eleven years, I’ve gotten to be loved by Lori and love her back.  People who know her know exactly what I’m talking about.  She lives her life with openness — an open heart and open eyes and open mind — and once you enter that circle, you are embraced fiercely and intensely and unconditionally.  She is an amazing person, and I am so lucky to call her a friend.

Old friends are good friends.


1 a { 09.26.18 at 9:10 am }

How fun! And congrats on your award, Lori!

2 Charlotte { 09.26.18 at 9:53 am }

This makes my heart so happy. Love the photo, love that you got to meet up again. Congrats to Lori on her awards and amazing work! Two beautiful souls, inside and out. ❤️❤️❤️

3 Cristy { 09.26.18 at 11:54 am }

Two of my favorite people in the world got to hang out!! Warms my heart.

4 Jjiraffe { 09.26.18 at 12:19 pm }

You are so lucky! Lori is the best 🙂

5 Jjiraffe { 09.26.18 at 12:32 pm }

You are so lucky! Lori is the best. 🙂

6 Erin Kuhn-Krueger { 09.26.18 at 6:07 pm }

So fun! Congrats, Lori! Thank you for all you do in the adoption world.

7 loribeth { 09.26.18 at 10:29 pm }

I remember reading about most of those meetings and being soooo jealous (as I am right now!! lol). But I’m also happy to see you were able to get together again. Love you both! 🙂

8 Mali { 09.27.18 at 12:06 am }

How fabulous! I’m jealous of you both. And hope to meet you both, one day!

9 Lori Lavender Luz { 09.27.18 at 7:21 am }

Y’all have me a blubbering mess. Thank you A, Charlotte, Cristy, Jessica, Erin, Loribeth, and Mali. I wish I could hug all of you.

I wish you all could have seen Mel and I saying goodbye to each other. It took 30 minutes and 2 blocks because we kept coming back toward each other for one. more. hug.

Mel, I love you. You changed my life. (And not just because of Twitter!)

Til next time <3.

10 Jen { 09.27.18 at 6:38 pm }

I am so jealous!

11 Amber { 09.28.18 at 4:35 pm }

So awesome that you were able to get together!

12 Jess { 09.30.18 at 9:42 pm }

I LOVE THIS PHOTO! What a wonderful story of a friendship. And I could probably still use a “What is Twitter” panel… This post makes me so happy. Such great smiles.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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