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704th Friday Blog Roundup

I’m currently lamenting the fact that I do not live in London because the people who make the BBC Sherlock Homes show made an escape game.  (Wait, does this mean there may be a fifth season?)  It sounds like more than one room — like you run around the city, going to various locations from the show, to solve the crime.  I am jeaaaaaaaaaloooooooous.

Londeners, please go on this for me and let me live vicariously through you.

The UK gets everything good.  You get Sherlock games.  You get better chocolate, better television shows, AND the Jasper Fforde book I want to read is coming out in the UK in August but won’t be published in the US until February.  These are all tempting reasons to move across the pond.


Stop procrastinating.  Go make your backups.  Don’t have regrets.

Seriously.  Stop what you’re doing for a moment.  It will take you fifteen minutes, tops.  But you will have peace of mind for days and days.  It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments in order to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.


And now the blogs…

But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week.  In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

Okay, now my choices this week.

Yes, you see it above, but I read it this week because it was posted on Friday… My Path to Mommyhood has a bittersweet post about the life she thought she would have.  A woman from her tap class was talking about house hunting and outlines the way she thinks her life will play out.  She writes, “But it has put me in a bit of a funk hearing that on replay in my mind since last night, because once upon a time I felt that way too — so sure of how things would work out.”  You hope it does for your friends (or even acquaintances), but at the same time, it stings knowing that you didn’t get the life you thought you’d have.  Jess brilliantly captures the tiny ways that plays out in her world.  And I had chills reading these lines: “I wept for the mother trapped inside me who will only ever parent indirectly, sideways. I wept for the life I thought I’d have.”

Bereaved and Blessed has a post about the theme of missed opportunities that runs through her grief.  This week, it looped through the death of an old friend, one that happened four years ago, but she only discovered it recently.  She is stunned to learn about it via social media when she clicked on his wall to find out how he was.  She explains: “That said, how did I manage to not visit his timeline or notice he wasn’t showing up in my news feed for over 4 years?  It happens, especially when we connect/reconnect with a lot of people online, both old friends and family, as well as develop new relationships with those we meet in person or find we have shared interests.”  It’s about the flaws of social media — that curated feed that doesn’t always let you know as much as you think it’s letting you know — but it’s also the story of an old friend.

One Step at a Time has a moving post about the good and the bad while she processes her husband’s stroke.  The good people who cross her path, making things a little bit easier.  The bad that happens because you’re making quick choices with your mind somewhere else.  It’s a very powerful post about your world being blown apart and the people (and objects) who help you hold it together.

Lastly, Searching for Our Silver Lining has a happy post that she could have never imagined when she was in the throes of infertility.  She captures a very sweet moment between two sets of twins: the ones who triggered her own desire for parenthood and the ones who made her a mother.

The roundup to the Roundup: The UK gets everything good.  Your weekly backup nudge.  And lots of great posts to read.  So what did you find this week?  Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between July 27th and August 3rd) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week?  Read the original open thread post here.


1 Kathy { 08.03.18 at 10:27 am }

So many wonderful reasons to move across the pond, and I too have been thinking about that (albeit for other reasons) this week… Sharing your jealously. xx

And thank you so much for choosing to share my post this week! It’s be a rough one, processing the loss of my old friend, and I am remembering how therapeutic writing/blogging can be. I am finding many silver linings through grieving and trying to make peace with his death, and one just might be nudging me back to writing and sharing more often.

2 Cristy { 08.03.18 at 7:00 pm }

This sounds so cool! Cannot exactly copy it to recreate outside of London, but I wonder if one could use this idea to create something similar? Think murder mystery theater crossed with geocaching (or something to that effect).

Thanks for the shout out. Here’s my picks for the week

3 Raven { 08.05.18 at 4:03 pm }

Oh my God…I would LOVE that game!! Don’t forget…they also get Harry Potter (well, claim to HP. I am aware he’s not *actually* a real person…)!

This is one that really stuck with me this week. Incredibly heart breaking and a reminder to hug your loved ones tight: https://www.northcarolinacharm.com/2018/08/prayers-for-charlotte.html

4 Jess { 08.06.18 at 10:16 pm }

Thanks for the post love! Oooh, a Sherlock escape game would be amazing. Although I did one of those escape room things and I got frustrated relatively quickly, but it is a super thrill when you figure out a clue. The UK really does seem to have an awful lot of goodness there.

I loved Inconceivable’s post about hope vs living in the moment — I love the connections she drew between Michael Scott Moore’s experience and description of how he survived and infertility. https://inconceivable12.wordpress.com/2018/07/30/a-different-mindset/

5 Jess { 08.06.18 at 10:30 pm }

Also this one from Infertile Phoenix, about the exhaustion of telling people and the pitfalls of the “did you lose a baby?” and “Did you consider adoption?” follow-up questions: https://infertilephoenix.blogspot.com/2018/07/tired-literally-of-sharing-my-story.html

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