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690th Friday Blog Roundup

The twins and I are having a read-a-thon this weekend.  Josh is busy with a committee he’s on, so we’ve made stacks of books and purchased a lot of snacks from Trader Joe’s.  We plan on reading books and eating Cat Cookies for People non-stop all weekend.

The Wolvog is reading Moonwalking with Einstein and The Most Human Human.  The ChickieNob chose books about various members of royal families including Sally Bedell Smith’s book about Queen Elizabeth and The Royal Sisters.  I am reading Shades of Grey (the Jasper Fforde book), Hello, Sunshine, and A Study in Charlotte.

My plan is to emerge from the weekend covered in crumbs with more books added to my “read” list.

What are you reading?


Stop procrastinating.  Go make your backups.  Don’t have regrets.

Seriously.  Stop what you’re doing for a moment.  It will take you fifteen minutes, tops.  But you will have peace of mind for days and days.  It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments in order to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.


And now the blogs…

But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week.  In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

Okay, now my choices this week.

Dwelling in Possibility has a beautiful post that, while not about pregnancy loss or neonatal death, will resonate as she discusses the reality of widowhood.  Especially this thought about depleted energy tanks: “Even when we’re well into the experience of living while grieving, even when we’ve re-entered our lives and have gone back to work, gone back to being present for family and friends, gone back to what looks like, for all intents and purposes, a functional life. We still need a bigger top off on our tanks to take us through.”  Her words about crying in the car sent (good) chills down both arms.

Res Cogitatae has a fascinating post about the people who are important to us that people outside our community or country or culture don’t know.  Again, not about infertility, but I couldn’t help but think about the individuals who loom large in our personal worlds — children not here — that other people never know about.  It also reminded me of all the times I’ve walked through the Portrait Gallery and wondered, “Who is that?”  And to another community, that person is one of their most important representatives.  Jump into her comment section, too, after you read the post.

Bent Not Broken wins for first Mother’s Day spotting.  As she points out, does a minor holiday really need a month of lead-up time?  Though she made me laugh with her ending: “But yeah, it looks like we (at least those of us here in the US) have a full month of advertising for a holiday that doesn’t apply to us ahead of us! Pass the pineapple ale!

Lastly, Lavender Luz ponders the future of adoption.  She looks at the two ways the needle has swung in the past and the problems with both ways of thinking.  And she proposes a different way of contemplating openness and doing the hard work of exploring feelings so people remain open to all possibilities, all experiences.

The roundup to the Roundup: We’re having a read-a-thon.  Your weekly backup nudge.  And lots of great posts to read.  So what did you find this week?  Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between April 13th and 20th) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week?  Read the original open thread post here.


1 Charlotte { 04.20.18 at 8:49 am }

I am quite envious of your read-a-thon weekend. And Trader Joe’s has the best snacks, like, ever!!
Not reading anything currently. But am stressing out. It is NASCAR weekend, and also Prom (which Santa didn’t know about when he sent us these NASCAR tickets for the 12 year old NASCAR fan). All was worked out until I woke up this morning to find my husband had been up all night sick, and he is the other half of the NASCAR weekend in Richmond. So I’m praying to all the Gods that he feels better in 3 hours so they can still leave, otherwise my weekend is taking a much different turn.

2 Lori Lavender Luz { 04.20.18 at 9:29 am }

I am envious, too! And I’m glad you clarified that Jasper Fford was the author of the Shades of Grey book you’re reading, tee-hee.

Thanks for the inclusion in the Roundup!

3 Jenny { 04.20.18 at 3:28 pm }

I recently bought that Jasper Fforde book and added it to my towering stack of “to read” books. Please let us know what you thought of it!

My current read is heavy stuff: Just Another Indian: A Serial Killer and Canada’s Indifference by Warren Goulding. The case discussed in the book has some personal meaning to me because I lived in the city in which this took place during the murders, and one of my mentors was the forensic anthropologist working on the case.

4 loribeth { 04.20.18 at 4:12 pm }

Some great blogs this week!

I am reading “Fire & Fury” by Michael Wolff, about the Trump White House. 😉 Not exactly Pulitzer material, but highly entertaining, nevertheless…! Other Trump-related books in the to-read pile — I just bought James Comey’s book on sale today. Hoping to get to them before Trump leaves office… I still have books about the Clinton presidency that I haven’t read yet (“Al Gore, The Prince of Tennessee,” anyone?). So many books, so little time… sigh…

5 Justine { 04.20.18 at 9:29 pm }

I’m trolling for a new read. Sort of reading Alice Water’s memoir, but I need fiction for my book group and I always stress about picking something smart enough. TOTALLY agree about TJs snacks. I wish I were reading this weekend; I have two dance classes to chauffeur to, a birthday party, and random other stuff … I will live vicariously through your crumbs and stack!

6 torthuil { 04.21.18 at 4:57 pm }

I plan to read The Gulag Archapelago but haven’t started yet.

7 Mali { 04.22.18 at 11:28 pm }

Ooh, your reading weekend sounds fabulous. I’d love that. Preferably somewhere without mobile data or wifi!

I’ve just finished Shonda Rhimes’ A Year of Yes, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

8 Turia { 04.27.18 at 9:53 am }

I forgot last week to comment here and thank you for the shout out. It’s always appreciated.

The reading weekend sounds like it was fantastic. I have most recently loved Everyone Brave is Forgiven.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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