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The Butler’s Life

I thought I’d make an excellent butler when I read Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day back in high school.  While I sort of suck at keeping an expressionless face, I’m excellent at being silent for hours at a time.  I enjoy keeping things neat and organized.  No one remembered me at my high school reunion, proving that I am good at being invisible.

But I recently read an article about what it takes to be a butler.  The instructor (because, yes, there are butler schools) posed a question about your child at the hospital and asked what you would do.  “If your answer was ’I would leave,’ this life’s not for you.”  Touché.

Still, I love this thought: “A happy butler is a Buddhist monk in tails, taking pleasure in the duty itself. Serving, but never servile.”

If I had a couple of thousand lying around, I would send myself to butler school to see if I have what it takes.  Maybe they’ll teach me how to keep a straight face.


1 Lori Lavender Luz { 10.24.17 at 11:40 am }

“You’ll buttle like you did before.” — just gotta throw in some Andrew Lloyd Weber when possible.

The subjugating your own reasonable needs — to be with a sick child, or to hide a Trump-like expression when a sheik gets you out of bed to turn out his light — does sound servile to me.

I know I don’t have what it takes. Bleh.

2 Cristy { 10.24.17 at 12:51 pm }

Nope, couldn’t do it. I’m all about neat and organized, but keeping my mouth shut and forgoing being there for my kids wouldn’t happen.

3 katherinea12 { 10.24.17 at 4:46 pm }

Yeah, I definitely don’t have what it takes. I watched the PBS series “Manor House” awhile ago and I remember so clearly how the servants had to make themselves invisible unless the master/mistress required them for some reason. Several of those cast as servants found it utterly dehumanizing, and I think I would as well. Also, not going to loved ones in the hospital…nope, nope, nope. An interesting article though, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

Like Lori Lavender Luz above, I also thought of the Andrew Lloyd Webber when I read this :).

4 Mali { 10.24.17 at 11:41 pm }

Nope, I don’t have what it takes either. I’ve left jobs because I couldn’t keep a straight face – or more accurately, refrain from rolling my eyes or speaking out of turn – when I had lost respect for the people and organisations I worked for. And yet I think I am generally one of the most tolerant and polite people you might meet!

5 loribeth { 10.25.17 at 7:34 pm }

Well, I know I wouldn`t make the cut. For one thing, I have a vvery difficult time hiding my feelings… my face shows EVERYTHING, no matter how much I struggle to conceal my feelings… just ask dh. 😉

Katherine, I watched `Manor House`some years ago too, and loved it!

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