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#MicroblogMondays 63: Coupon Used

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I had a gift certificate for $10 for a store I frequent that was due to expire.  I don’t buy myself a lot of things — usually only books or games — but I decided to splurge and put the money towards a new purse.  My old one was falling apart, and a new purse would make me feel organized and put together.

I measured my current purse, and I looked at my options online.  I ordered one that I thought looked perfect.  Then it arrived and it was definitely not perfect.  So I returned it.  (And lost my $10 gift certificate in the process.  Sniff.)

I was going to let the whole thing go when I decided to poke around in different stores, suck it up, and just spend the money on myself.  So I did, and I got a completely awesome black backpack.  It does make me feel more put together.

What was your last splurge?


Are you also doing #MicroblogMondays? Add your link below. The list will be open until Tuesday morning. Link to the post itself, not your blog URL. (Don’t know what that means? Please read the three rules on this post to understand the difference between a permalink to a post and a blog’s main URL.) Only personal blogs can be added to the list. I will remove any posts that are connected to businesses or are sponsored posts.

1. Karen (River Run Dry) 14. Geochick 27. Laurel Regan @ Alphabet Salad
2. One and Done? 15. Non Sequitur Chica 28. Journeywoman
3. Anks 16. Solo Mama 29. Mali (A Separate Life)
4. Lori Lavender Luz 17. Shilpa 30. apluseffort
5. Loribeth (The Road Less Travelled) 18. Stephanie (Travelcraft Journal) 31. deathstar
6. Jen (Days of Grace) 19. Just Heather 32. Muddy Boots and Diamonds
7. Parul | Happiness & Food 20. Jessica 33. Justine
8. Cristy 21. Amanda @ My Meandering Journey 34. Jamie
9. Infertile Girl 22. Failing at Haiku 35. Mary Francis
10. Traci York, Writer 23. No Kidding in NZ 36. No Baby Ruth
11. Baby Blue Sunday 24. sharah 37. Vinitha
12. Isabelle 25. Amber
13. Charlotte 26. Jen B (Waiting for Baby B)


1 One and Done? { 11.09.15 at 6:55 am }

I feel like I am becoming my mother – she was notorious for wearing clothes that were kind of past their shelf life but as she explained to me later she just didn’t really think to buy stuff for herself. It was always about me and my two brothers. Fast forward to now – my daughter has this amazing closet filled with clothes for the next couple of sizes, lots of hair things, shoes, etc. Meanwhile, I realized the other day some of my yoga pants are from when my husband and I were dating in 2007. LOL So to answer your question – I don’t know that I can think of when I splurged on myself. I bought some new maternity clothes – but is that a splurge? Nah, I needed new maternity clothes. Beyond that I can’t even imagine the last time I bought something for myself. But on the other hand, I don’t know that there’s even anything I would want. My husband and I have been talking about Christmas and nothing really springs to me mind. Before kids I think I always had “stuff” on my wish list, and now it’s somehow become all about them.

2 anks { 11.09.15 at 7:44 am }

My last splurge was trndy palazzo pants and trousers… about half a dozen of them… I did go overboard at that flea market!!

3 Jen { 11.09.15 at 8:28 am }

A beautiful green dress for a friend’s licensing service as he becomes vicar in a new parish church. Doubled up as a dress to wear for interview… and I got the job so it definitely justified itself!

4 loribeth { 11.09.15 at 8:33 am }

I have cut way back on my spending since I lost my job last year. Partly out of necessity — I don’t have the extra money to spend mindlessly anymore — partly because I just don’t need to buy the clothes & shoes & makeup that I did while I was working (or at least that was how I justified it then…!) and partly because, not working downtown anymore, I have less opportunity to spend money, being away from the temptation of lunchtime shopping, lol. One recent splurge was a tube of Sugar lip balm at Sephora. It’s ridiculously priced (almost $30 for a tube!), but it smells divine & feels soooo good on the lips!

5 Lori Lavender Luz { 11.09.15 at 9:09 am }

Glad you got a backpack that makes you feel good.

I bought myself some Dansko shoes recently. More than I’ve ever spent before on shoes, but I’m wearing them now and feel special. I plan to make them last 15 years, like the pair they replaced.

6 Parul { 11.09.15 at 9:20 am }

Oh! That coupon thing was sad! Sorry – it got wasted.
I’ve been splurging a lot during the last few weeks. So, let’s not count that 😀 It will be a guilt trip! 😉

7 Cristy { 11.09.15 at 9:44 am }

I’m in the same boat as One and done? in that I haven’t bought new clothing in over 3 years. And I feel guilty with even considering new purchases as I can’t seem to justify why I need anything, even when my current clothing is wore and doesn’t fit well. And why is it when we get basic items that allow us to function that we consider it a splurge?

The backpack sounds awesome. Sorry about the coupon, but if it ultimately lead to something you’ll use and enjoy, it was wore the sacrifice.

8 Infertile Girl { 11.09.15 at 9:50 am }

I also just recently bought myself a new purse/wallet. I was tired of carrying a diaper bag and a purse so I bought a beautiful little clutch that holds all of my essential and fits in the diaper bag but also has a wrist strap if I am carrying it on its own. I could have found something cheaper but it’s beautiful, soft leather and by my favourite designer so I decided to treat myself, since I am essentially giving up use of all my other handbags in favour of the diaper bag.

9 nonsequiturchica { 11.09.15 at 10:19 am }

My latest splurge was a new colder weather jacket from LL Bean. It’s awesome and very warm!

10 Baby Blue Sunday { 11.09.15 at 10:51 am }

I can’t think of one, embarrassingly enough. I really want this though: https://www.spire.io/ It is a gadget you wear and it tells you to calm the bleep down, nicely of course. I think this would save my sanity.

11 Isabelle { 11.09.15 at 11:10 am }

My last splurge was a sapphire blue leather crossbody handbag. The color is so vibrant. Although it cost significantly more than what I would usually pay, I love it and have been using it daily since I purchased it. I have received so many compliments as people also love the color. When I bought it at Nordstrom, it was their semi annual sale so it was a further 25% off. I was very happy about it!

12 Geochick { 11.09.15 at 11:26 am }

I hate it when that happens! Glad you found a bad that makes you feel organized and put together in the end.

My splurge happens every time I get a Stitch Fix box. If I go shopping for myself, I don’t look at anything that’s full price, being a clearance shopper. It usually ends in disappointment, so that’s why I started the Stitch Fixes. Yes, it’s sticker shock, but I do it about every 2 months, and it’s really curtailed my shopping. This time, it was a pair of jeans and a knit blazer that I would never in a million years try on because of their price. You know what? The jeans fit better than anything I’ve recently tried on in a store, and the blazer looks amazing on me. There’s something to be said for quality clothing, even though you have to pay an arm and a leg for it.

13 Chris { 11.09.15 at 11:56 am }

The leggings I’ve lived in the past couple winters had a hole in them. I went online to WHBM to replace them and they were gone….so, I started looking and ordered “slimming leggings” from Soma. I got the first pair in a fun lace pattern (but I’d been seeking plain black) 10 days ago. They were the most comfortable things I’d put on ever. And they were slimming so I promptly ordered 2 more pairs including plain black. They were pricey for leggings but I work from home and tend to live in leggings and sweaters or jeans and sweaters all winter long so I’m sure with that amount of comfort it’s worth it. 🙂

14 Lindsay | Solo Mama { 11.09.15 at 12:11 pm }

I’ve put some pretty strict restrictions on myself the past few months leading up to the holidays, so I honestly cannot even remember what my last splurge was! I think it’s time I have one!

15 Stephanie (Travelcraft Journal) { 11.09.15 at 12:31 pm }

Glad you found one that worked! Purses are kind of a big deal. You use them so much, and it’s a pain when ine just doesnt work for you. Also, that other store should give you store credit or something!

16 Charlotte { 11.09.15 at 12:58 pm }

I am with one and done and Cristy…

If I buy clothes for myself that’s a necessity not a splurge.
There isn’t much I really want and would rather make sure my kids have everything they need. Stuff for me comes last.
I can’t even remember the last thing I bought for myself that I would consider a splurge. A new purse and wallet, but it wasn’t anything extravagant and that’s sorta a necessity.
The week before I went in to have the baby I was planning the last few meals, and I really wanted ham. It is not the cheapest, and we normally only have it for holidays, but I wanted it as my last pregnancy meal, so I splurged and bought one.

17 JustHeather { 11.09.15 at 1:08 pm }

How did the gift certificate get wasted? Didn’t you just get the money back from it and the amount you spent on the purse you returned? In any case, glad you like your new backpack!
My latest splurge was some Desigual clothes in the summer. It had been ages since I had bought something nice for my wardrobe and these things make me feel sexy and cute! They are for everyday wear and work (when I go back).

18 illustr8d { 11.09.15 at 1:36 pm }

My last splurge was to buy hosting for my blog! (Launching soon!) I had wanted it for a long time, finally got it. My second to last splurge was a dslr. Yeah. That splurge is a splurge that will last awhile.

19 Traci York { 11.09.15 at 1:51 pm }

What is this “splurge” thing of which you speak? *grin*

My last crazy spending spree on myself was three skirts that were on clearance at Target. I got all three for about $35, and almost felt guilty for spending “so much,” but I’m having some physical issues at the moment that make wearing pants less than comfortable. Sad that I needed the justification of an illness to spend the money – I really need to work on that. Glad to hear you scored a nice backpack!

20 Valery Valentina { 11.09.15 at 3:36 pm }

we got the kitchenaid kettle. The one with adjustable temperature (for green tea) and a double wall. it gives a soft bong when it is done and has a temp gauge as well. I love it!

21 sharah { 11.09.15 at 4:43 pm }

Like you, I tried to splurge on some new jeans. But they didn’t fit right when they arrived so now I have to deal with both the return AND finding new jeans somewhere else.

22 Amber { 11.09.15 at 4:58 pm }

My last splurge was just recently. I got a Fitbit for my birthday! That’s actually what my Microblog post is about this week. It’s not a very exciting post. lol

23 Jen B { 11.09.15 at 5:57 pm }

My Kate Spade wallet. I just love it!

24 Laurel Regan { 11.09.15 at 6:01 pm }

Thank you for today’s post inspiration! 😉

25 apluseffort { 11.09.15 at 9:11 pm }

My last splurge was new tennis shoes that I bought last night. Perhaps not a splurge since a piece of plastic was stabbing me in the heel of the last pair, but they are awesome either way!

26 Justine { 11.09.15 at 11:16 pm }

I’ve had to get a lot of things lately, because it’s all falling apart. I’ve worn all of it to bits. So: new boots (two pair), pants (two pair), two dresses (summer), a purse. I still need winter wear. But what I REALLY need is time to go to the consignment shop! 🙂 I don’t know if that counts as a splurge. I did buy myself a cookbook that has lovely pictures … and from which my family will never eat anything. I cherish it.

Glad you settled on the backpack!

27 Vinitha { 11.10.15 at 9:09 am }

My last splurge happened a week ago when I bought a bag for me. 🙂

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