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No Roundup

I mentally checked out this week.  Josh gave me a re-do on the Chincoteague trip, and we headed back to the island for a few days.   Yes, I came home, essentially grabbed a new pair of glasses, and went back, this time with Josh.  The turn around was so quick that everyone we encountered said, “Oh!  I like the new glasses.”  And then I’d have to say, “No, these are actually my old glasses from home.  It’s a long story.  Nevermind.”


All I did was read and eat junk food.  We saw Ant-Man and rode bikes around the nature reserve and got ice cream every night and went to bed late.


I mentally checked out.  Completely.  I fell asleep on the beach listening to the waves.  I tried not to listen to the news but I felt very quiet when I heard about the shooting on the other side of the state.


We listened to the local radio station.  I told the twins my favourite joke ghost story from childhood.  We fed the ponies and stroked their velvety faces.  We collected shells.  We played pinball in the arcade.


And now I have to return to normal life.


I have to buckle down and find my groove and return to day-to-day life.  And not eat junk food.  Which is sad because junk food tastes so good.


So the Roundup will return next week.


1 Parul { 08.28.15 at 8:01 am }

Returning back to normal life is great. Isn’t it? Loved your pictures Mel 🙂

2 TasIVFer { 08.28.15 at 8:08 am }

This looks like the antidote to your last trip – good! I’m glad you just relaxed.

3 Mali { 08.28.15 at 8:13 am }

Oh, how fabulous! Falling asleep to the sounds of eaves its ones of my favourite things. So glad you and the twins had a do-over at the beach.

4 A. { 08.28.15 at 9:03 am }

Good for you! We all need a week like that here and there 🙂

5 loribeth { 08.28.15 at 9:22 am }

Everyone deserves a re-do on a vacation gone wrong. 🙂 Glad you had a good time!

6 Lori Lavender Luz { 08.28.15 at 9:32 am }

I want to go there with you.

If you were doing Second Helpings, this is one I’d picked and saved, from Justine: http://ahalfbakedlife.blogspot.com/2015/08/its-not-about-costume.html. Love how she always makes me think and feel.

7 Tiara { 08.28.15 at 9:37 am }

You needed & deserved the break. Glad you allowed yourself that check out.

8 Ana { 08.28.15 at 10:23 am }

oh wow, that is a really vacation. happy you got the break you needed. good luck with re-entry.

9 Katherine A { 08.28.15 at 11:35 am }

Gorgeous pictures! Glad you got the relaxing break you needed.

10 Mina { 08.28.15 at 11:52 am }

I am happy for you.

11 deathstar { 08.28.15 at 12:45 pm }

Well done! Good for you! So envious! It looks like a magical world.

12 Turia { 08.28.15 at 12:48 pm }

I am so glad you went back and had a great time. Love the pictures. (I am so jealous you are close to Chincoteague, being a giant Marguerite Henry fan as a child.)

13 Sharon { 08.28.15 at 2:18 pm }

I am so glad you got a do-over. I felt really bad for you after reading your last post.

Worth our giving up the weekly Friday round-up for! LOL

14 Peg { 08.28.15 at 2:50 pm }

so glad you got the redo…love the pictures. It looks and sounds like a great time had by all.

15 SuzannaCatherine { 08.28.15 at 6:13 pm }

Your do-over trip sounded fabulous. It was definitely just what you needed. And I second the motion that your photos were like a little vacation for the rest of us! As always, thanks for sharing.

16 Hayley { 08.28.15 at 8:47 pm }

Ohhhh, the Eastern Shore! That explains all the bad service you experienced on the mainland in your first trip! I lived on Chincoteague during my teens and the nearest Wal-Mart in Pocomoke is rumored to be one of the worst EVER. I’m so glad your do-over was better!

17 Shannon { 08.28.15 at 10:13 pm }

We all need this – it should be required by law that we all mentally check out for a week, once a year. Sounds like a wonderful trip this time around!

18 Justine { 08.28.15 at 11:11 pm }

This looks AWESOME. Yay, Josh for providing antidote to the Trip From Hell …

And thanks, Lori! 🙂

19 Jess { 08.30.15 at 10:25 pm }

Oh, what an amazing vacation! (Minus the glasses thing of course.) I love the photos. It just looks so beautiful, so restorative… I hope it gives you lots of great memories to visualize and return to in your mind when you return to real life, for those moments that are just a tad too real. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photographs!

20 St. E { 08.31.15 at 1:19 am }

That looks heavenly….Am glad you got such a nice break!

21 Rachel { 09.02.15 at 1:37 am }

Looks amazing! I am so glad you got to check out, and in such a gorgeous place!

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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