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Read Along: Barren Bitches Book Tour #14 (Group B)

Welcome to the fourteenth tour of the Barren Bitches Book Brigade–a book club from the comfort of your own living room. Grab a cup of coffee and start clicking away at the links below.

Just to explain, this book club is entirely online and open to anyone (male or female) in the infertility/pregnancy loss/assisted conception/adoption/parenting-after-infertility world (as well as any other related category I inadvertently left off the list). It is called a book tour because everyone reads the same book and then poses a question to the group. Participants choose a few questions to answer and then post their response on their blog. Readers can jump from blog to blog, commenting along the way.

Anyone can jump aboard–it’s a book club where you can drop in and out as you wish and all in the community are welcome.

Book: Eat, Pray, Love
Author: Elizabeth Gilbert
Start Date: July 10
Post Dates: August 18 and 19
(need an explanation of how a book tour works? Click here to go to a list of posts on the past book tours as well as information about future tours.)

About Eat, Pray, Love: Though it may seem like a stretch before you begin reading, this book about the author’s divorce and year of finding happiness actually has a lot of hidden lessons on coping with infertility and loss. An amazing read in 108 brief sections, Gilbert’s journey will take you to Italy, India, and Indonesia.

Barren Bitches Book Brigade List (The blogs below are participating on this current book tour. Each day, you’ll be able to jump from post to post to read a plethora of opinions and thoughts on Eat, Pray, Love. This is the final list of participants)

Slaying, Blogging, Whatever…
Life After Infertility and Loss
The Unfair Struggle
Three of a Kind Working on a Full House
The Fertile Infertile
Saucy Eggs
There’s Hope
Our Family Beginnings
This is NOT What I Ordered!
Baby Smiling in Back Seat
The Road Less Travelled

Even if haven’t read Eat, Pray, Love, you can still add your own thoughts on the blog tour or react to someone else’s critique.

Like the idea of being in a book club without leaving your living room? The next book for book tour #15 is Baby Trail by Sinead Moriarty. The description, according to Simon & Schuster:

Emma has it all mapped out: Go off the pill in December, have sex, get pregnant by January, have the baby in September. And with the help of a personal trainer, Emma figures she’ll be back in shape by Christmas. Happy New Year! But when three months of candle-scented sex fails to produce the desired result, Emma’s life becomes a rollercoaster of post-coital handstands, hormone inducing (a.k.a. sanity reducing) drugs, and a veritable army of fertility specialists. Emma and James try everything, from ovulation kits to in-vitro, but all their carefully laid plans seem to go south — in direct proportion to Emma’s plummeting self-esteem. And just when Emma feels she’s alienated everyone in her life — her twice-pregnant confidante, her singleton friend, even her own husband — events take a ninety-degree turn that will have unforeseen consequences for everyone.

The Details: Tour #15 will start August 21. Participants will read Baby Trail by Sinead Moriarty. On or before September 24th, everyone will send one question based on the book (to get a sense of questions, click here to see the questions sent for book tour #2) to me. I will compile the questions into lists that will be emailed out to you by September 26th. Everyone will choose 3 questions from the list and answer them on their own blog on October 2. I’ll also post a master list and people can jump from blog to blog, reading and commenting on the book tour.

If you would like to sign up to participate in book tour #15, leave a comment below or send me an email. I need the title and a link to your blog as well as an email address where you’d like the two or three book club emails sent. If a spouse wants to participate too and he/she doesn’t have their own blog, have them set up a blog solely for book tours (as we did with the Annex) and send me a link to that blog. And if you’re a reader without a blog, now is a great time to set up a space for yourself on Blogger. People will be able to find brand-spanking-new blogs because they will be on the book tour’s participant list. The next few tours are always listed on the new upcoming and past tours list. Happy reading.


1 emma { 08.19.08 at 9:24 am }

Guess I’m too late. Not sure if I followed the directions anyway. Thanks for the recommendation!

2 loribeth { 08.19.08 at 7:21 pm }

I mentioned this in an e-mail, but just in case — please sign me up for the next tour! ; )

3 Rachel { 08.19.08 at 8:57 pm }

i have to say the intro to that Baby Trails book got me hoooked!!!

Id consider being part of the book tour.. but keep me as a last resort 🙂 cause Im kinda shy like that—hah.

4 Rachel { 08.19.08 at 8:58 pm }



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