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I Talk to Myself

While I don’t talk about myself in third person, I do talk to myself, so it was a relief to read this article and learn that I’m kind of doing it right.  Because to talk to yourself, you need to enter that third-person space and use your own name to ask yourself a question.  So I do that.  To myself.  Just not in front of other people.

I am my own best therapist.  I mean, yes, I also suck as a conversation partner, constantly berating myself as myself.  (So I guess I’m missing out on the de-stressing side of things.)  But that’s not the point.  The point is me.  In a conversation.  With myself.

99% of the time I don’t speak the words aloud.  That’s the convenient part about having a conversation with yourself.  It can be private; communicated from one part of the brain to another with nothing escaping into the outside world.  You ask yourself a question.  And you answer the question.  And the only thing the other people in the room observe is a somewhat vacant expression on my face.

Though I never speak aloud in third person because that would annoy the crap out of me if it occurred on an on-going basis.  But in my head?  Totally okay.

Do you talk to yourself?


1 Beth { 10.08.17 at 9:13 am }

I do. Though it is mostly rehearsing conversations I am going to have, playing both sides. Sometimes I end up having the actual conversation with the other actual person and sometimes I don’t, but I feel calmer and more prepared for these potentially awkward social interactions by planning my ideas out in advance.
Playing the role of someone else, I am much harder on myself than the other person typically truly is.

2 Working mom of 2 { 10.08.17 at 10:42 am }

Ha yes. And sometimes aloud (mumble level). And I even refer to myself in the 3rd person–but solely in the context of talking to my kids (DH does too), e.g. “Mommy doesn’t like that”, not in the “Jimmy likes Elaine” context.

3 Ana { 10.08.17 at 10:58 am }

Always. And I’ve been caught mumbling or “sub-vocalizing” to myself too. Doesn’t everyone? My children do it also

4 Jess { 10.08.17 at 11:01 am }

I talk to myself all the time, but not in third person. I do it when I’m working and freak people out if they come into my classroom. I have to say “I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to myself” a LOT. I hear you on the self-berating too… Got to figure out how to be nicer to myself!

5 a { 10.08.17 at 11:23 am }

I don’t talk to myself as much as I used to. And usually, I tend to give myself instructions. Occasionally, I berate myself but it’s not my main focus.

6 Sharon { 10.08.17 at 11:52 am }

I do talk to myself occasionally, however, it’s usually to tell myself how stupid/lazy/lacking I am.

7 Turia { 10.08.17 at 2:13 pm }

I talk to myself constantly. If it’s not straight conversation, then it’s a running monologue. But I never, ever, ever have quiet in my head. Are there people who do? I can’t even imagine what that would be like.

8 Lori Lavender Luz { 10.10.17 at 8:56 pm }

I do. Only in the first person.

9 Lori Lavender Luz { 10.10.17 at 8:57 pm }

Wait. Maybe also the second. Not the third, though.


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