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White House Christmas Decoration Countdown: 13 Days

Counting down the days to Christmas with a daily morning post containing a photograph of the White House Christmas decorations.  Have no clue why someone Jewish is doing this or how I got all these pictures — read the first post.

This is my favourite room in the White House: the library.  I also love the back story to the space — in addition to holding books and being a meeting room, the First Ladies used this room to do laundry before they had washing machines.

You’ll notice on the table that there is a snow globe.  That is one of the White House Christmas craft projects, and you can get the instructions on how to make one yourself on their site.


1 a { 12.13.12 at 11:07 am }

I want one of those rooms in my house. It should look pretty much like that, except with a couple more comfy chairs.

2 Kathy { 12.20.12 at 1:47 pm }

Very cool. I really like this room and the back story.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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