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358th Friday Blog Roundup

I half-watched the roast of Charlie Sheen on Monday night.  I have to admit that I’ve never totally gotten the point of a roast.  Why is it amusing to bring someone on stage and say horrible things to their face?  Teasing, fine.  But the Comedy Central roasts are just cruel, starting with Seth MacFarlane’s joke about how he has Charlie Sheen’s obit ready: he just had to change the date and place on Amy Winehouse’s obit and he’s ready to go.

Which sort of begs the question: if all these comics are saying you need help, that you’re sick and grappling with addiction, isn’t it beyond cruel to bring you onstage and mock you publicly?  Say mean things to Larry the Cable Guy or Bob Saget if they volunteer for this.  But isn’t it irresponsible to allow Charlie Sheen to be the roastee, even if he agrees to it?

I don’t know… have I lost my sense of humour, or did the roast seem overtly cruel?


We’re in the middle of IComLeavWe, so hello to all IComLeavWe’ers!


Only a handful of people answered whether they wanted to do The Grateful Said this year.  Does that mean there is pretty much no interest?  Vote below or forever hold your peace…  I think we’d need 50 or so participants to make it worthwhile, and this would be in addition to the yearly Creme de la Creme.

Speaking of the Creme de la Creme, the prizes so far are fantastic.  Thank you so much for running with this, and a huge thank you to everyone who has offered up something.  We already have 12 prizes, so this is going to be fun.  You have until October 19th to submit a prize, and I’m going to approach a few places to see if they want to donate something to the mix as well.


If I send an email from my mobile device, the signature reads: “sent from a device that makes me type a lot of things wrong” or something to that effect.  It’s one of those excuse-the-typo messages.

On Wednesday, the Wolvog sent me an email about the website we’re building together.  Last year, he was home alone with me one day while his sister was at school.  I asked him what he wanted to do and he said, “make my own website!” So I bought him a url and he has been tinkering with it.  He ran into a roadblock with something he wanted to do on the front page so I did some research and sent him an email  from my mobile device about what I found.  This was his email back asking when we could try out the software I found online.

I noticed that the signature on his email now read: “sent from a computer that makes me type a lot of things wrong.”  I burst out laughing and called him into the kitchen to ask about it.  And he just beamed: “I noticed it on your email and I thought, ‘well, that is a great excuse and people will now understand that computers and spelling can be confusing!'”

Well played, Wolvog, well played.


And now the blogs…

But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week as well as the week before.  In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

Still Kicking Your Collective Ass: I am so proud of you!  17 posts!  Let’s keep it up: there is a whole world of blog posts out there worthy of a little extra attention.  This week, the dates are things written between September 16th and the 23rd.

Okay, now my choices this week.

Mommy Odyssey has a post about being kicked off of emotional auto-pilot by all the loss in her life.  It’s a tiny benefit she can find in what she has struggled through in terms of infertility and pregnancy loss.  I love this sentiment: “All I know is that I’m finally building myself back up, piece by piece. I am no longer trying to put a roof on a building with no foundation. I now realize that first you need to pour the cement.”  It’s a gorgeous post about learning to feel, about inviting life close.

Embracing the Rain has a post about being lapped about a threesome at work who all got pregnant together the first time and now are all pregnant together again.  She writes, “While I am genuinely happy for them, I am also finding it to be a very difficult reality check for me.   I wish that I was in their position, but the reality is I’m no closer to having even one living child now than I was 2.5 years ago.”  It’s a quiet post that ends with tears.

Notes from the Ninth Circle has a fantastic, tiny post about what she isn’t going to do on Facebook.  Seriously, it defies description — you just need to read it.

Lastly, A Half Baked Life has a post about feeling like her life is not her own; it’s one that she has borrowed from someplace else.  I get this feeling often, so I was glad to read someone else saying it too.  This is the paragraph that made me gasp: “On the train back from New York, N. was sleeping on my chest, and I found myself looking down at her, almost afraid to breathe, afraid that somehow this moment would evaporate, and life would be ‘same as it ever was’.”  Isn’t that gorgeous?

The roundup to the Roundup: I didn’t find the Charlie Sheen roast funny, but I also fear I’m losing my sense of humour.  Hi, IComLeavWe’ers.  Vote for the Grateful Said, and an update about the upcoming Creme de la Creme.  And lots of great posts to read.  So what did you find this week?  Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between September 16th and September 23rd) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week?  Read the original open thread post here.


1 missohkay { 09.23.11 at 7:47 am }

This week Sherrie wished us a fond farewell as she reclaims her life from the victimhood she’s felt through infertility. It would be great if we could give her some love for her last blog post. http://ttcinfaith.wordpress.com/2011/09/19/a-fond-farewell/

2 Megan { 09.23.11 at 11:03 am }

I heard that the intention with Charlie Sheen’s roast was for it to be a little rough on him as an intervention of sorts. Not really the best forum for that kind of a thing, but supposedly their intentions were good… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/22/charlie-sheen-roast-intervention_n_932881.html

3 Liana { 09.23.11 at 11:24 am }

Honestly, I don’t think roasts were ever meant to be viewed by the public at large. The harshness of the things you can say in disturbingly good fun to your friends does not translate to a wider audience.

4 loribeth { 09.23.11 at 4:19 pm }

All great choices, Mel! : )

I’ve been awfully busy this week, but hope to read a few blogs & send some good ones your way this weekend. ; )

5 endoandbeyond { 09.23.11 at 7:22 pm }
6 It Is What It Is { 09.23.11 at 10:39 pm }

I think that a roast, for the roasted, is the height of narcissism. Ponder that for a bit 🙂

7 Justine { 09.23.11 at 11:12 pm }

*beaming* … thanks, Mel!

I love Wolvog’s comment, and the fact that you and he are building a website together. I hope I can be a mom like you when I grow up. 🙂

8 Lori Lavender Luz { 09.23.11 at 11:58 pm }

Kathy (Four of a Kind) has a syndicated post on BlogHer about using social media to help with grief, specifically at a funeral. The comments it generates are somewhat divisive: http://www.blogher.com/blogher-topics/blogging-social-media

I also loved Keiko’s 13-year-old-self speaking to her through a found cassette tape. Makes us all want one of those! http://www.hannahweptsarahlaughed.com/2011/09/what-i-sounded-like-17-years-ago/

9 K { 09.24.11 at 2:18 pm }

Wolvog is hilarious! I love it. This post really resonated with me: http://tryingnottoscream.blogspot.com/2011/09/one-day-maybe-my-mother-will-understand.html

Found the blog through ICLW…awesome!

10 Mo { 09.24.11 at 9:10 pm }

Thanks Mel! 🙂
My favorite post this week was Elphie’s post about her blogoversary. It had me crying:

11 Embracing { 09.24.11 at 9:48 pm }

Thank you Mel! I am shocked and honored.

Whitney wrote a powerful and heartbreaking post about backing away from the infertility community as she comes to grips with the fact that she and her husband are no longer trying to conceive. http://www.whitneyanderick.com/?p=3416

Bodega Bliss wrote a post about wanting to find a way to live her passion daily as she faces the possibility that she may never be able to have a living child. http://bodegabliss.wordpress.com/2011/09/19/feeling-restless/

12 Keiko { 09.24.11 at 11:05 pm }

Wolvog, the ever clever comedian 🙂

My picks for the week – let’s see if I can copy and paste this w/o butchering the code this week:

Whitney and Mo both have such a painful posts of feeling left behind from all their formerly infertile compatriots. Both posts are raw and moving in ways that I think many of us in the trenches can still relate to. From Whitney: Slowly backing away and from Mo: Left Behind.

Kathy has started a new Blog Hop: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again! It’s about looking through your archives for a post related to a specific theme each week. It happens every Tuesday (Time Warp Tuesdays – get it??) and all the deets are at her blog.

Dresden has a toddler who bites. It’s both a post seeking advice but also exploring what it means to be a parent of that kind of child and how to reconcile being a good mom to her son.

InDueTime has a very concise post of the things you really shouldn’t say to someone who’s just experienced a miscarriage: What NOT To Say.

And to round them out: a hysterical post from JW Moxie. Are you superstitious about the number 666? Because she sure is.

13 Bea { 09.26.11 at 9:22 am }

He is precious!


14 Hope { 09.27.11 at 12:00 am }

slcurwin has post about a doh! moment about a friend who is either incredibly optimistic or incredibly dense, I’m not sure which. But it’s a great post!


15 Jessie { 03.13.12 at 5:02 pm }

Wow, I just now realized that I had been featured in here! I hadn’t been following the round-up closely enough at that point to catch it at the time. No wonder that post got so many hits! :-p

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