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Head Shot Help

Updated at the bottom:

Without behaving like my old middle school students and responding that every picture is ugly and I should dye the grey in my hair already (I’m not going to) and stop squinting (I’m trying), if you had to pick one of the pictures below to use as a head shot, which one would you choose? With the exception of the sleeve issue in Choice 5 (what the hell was happening with my shirt?), I couldn’t figure out which one said: hey, I’m Mel. I think I am tripped up by seeing myself with make-up*.

Please only vote for one…

Choice One:

Choice Two:

Choice Three:

Choice Four:

Choice Five:

*I can play with the contrast/lighting in the top three.


I just wanted to give people a sense of the fixed sleeve. I did this in two minutes so it’s a bit sloppy, but here’s the gist of the new picture. I realized that I can’t crop it because I need the picture to remain a certain size.

Choice Six (which is Choice Five fixed):

The amusing side note of this story is that the reason the top three pictures are taken from that angle is that Josh was running out the door to work, but I had a television appearance early this morning so I had on this full face of make-up when I walked in as he was walking out. I asked him if he’d take the picture because I needed it this week and I hate wearing make-up (I washed it off the moment he left). He was wearing a suit, so he was trying to take the picture without kneeling down and getting dirty. And I didn’t want to stand. So it left us in weird angle land. Though with the best smile on those shots.


1 jenn { 07.14.09 at 4:36 pm }

I really like #4. Your right that sleeve is odd in #5.

2 LJ { 07.14.09 at 4:53 pm }

i also vote for #4, very etheral beauty

3 sky girl { 07.14.09 at 4:54 pm }

I like #4 the best too.

4 Jaz { 07.14.09 at 4:59 pm }

I like #1 the best, its youthful 🙂

5 Anonymous { 07.14.09 at 5:00 pm }

I like 5 best, but I'd crop it to remove the odd sleeve effect.

6 Melanie { 07.14.09 at 5:09 pm }

#4 is the best. Very pretty and also conveys "yes, that's right, I know what i'm talking about."

7 babyinterrupted { 07.14.09 at 5:09 pm }

I like #1 – you look happy and approachable, which is how I think of you. 🙂

8 White Picket Fences { 07.14.09 at 5:10 pm }

I vote for number 4 …seems most "personable" to me for some reason.

9 noswimmers { 07.14.09 at 5:10 pm }

I vote for #1 as well. You look beautiful in all of them. 🙂

10 Melissa { 07.14.09 at 5:11 pm }

I like 5& 1. Your smile seems warm and genuine 🙂

11 Sunny { 07.14.09 at 5:12 pm }

I agree with anon… #5 if you can crop the sleeve, otherwise #1. I like your big smile. 🙂

12 Bluebird { 07.14.09 at 5:13 pm }

I like #4 best too! If not, then I say #3.

Looking good, either way!

13 Eileen { 07.14.09 at 5:13 pm }

I vote for number 1. I like the way the natural light lights up your face. Beautiful!

14 Maggie { 07.14.09 at 5:13 pm }

#1. It looks natural.

15 projectkjetil { 07.14.09 at 5:13 pm }

5… even with the sleeve

then 2

They're all really good, though. Very approachable and warm.

16 Tash { 07.14.09 at 5:15 pm }


And dayum, you're pretty.

17 Mrs. Spit { 07.14.09 at 5:16 pm }

5, with a crop to remove the sleeve thing

18 Danifred { 07.14.09 at 5:19 pm }

I'm partial to choice 3 🙂

19 kate { 07.14.09 at 5:25 pm }

Choice 5 (aside from the sleeve thing, which I may not have noticed had you not told us about it!).

The first three are that odd headshot angle that looks like- I don't know, like an unnatural headshot angle. It's the one that you see on every third book jacket, with the (usually female) author looking upward into the camera. It probably looks normal to everyone else, but my photo-happy-eye keys into that pose for some reason, and now I see it everywhere. Of course, my bizarre reaction is NO reason to not use any of those shots, it just happens to be what I noticed most about them. In 4 or 5, you just look like a contented, happy Mel.

20 Hillary { 07.14.09 at 5:32 pm }

I love your big, natural smile in #1!

21 Kim { 07.14.09 at 5:35 pm }

I'd choose one of the top 2, which seem to have the natural smiles and the nicest lighting. I also like the close-up without background distraction.
I love silver streaks in hair… if I had gorgeous ones like that I'd keep them.

22 VA Blondie { 07.14.09 at 5:35 pm }

I also really like #4. That one drew me the most, for some reason.

23 Heidi { 07.14.09 at 5:44 pm }

I like five the bestest!! The sleeve can be fixed 🙂

24 Jeanette { 07.14.09 at 5:49 pm }

My vote is #1.

25 Vee { 07.14.09 at 5:51 pm }

I vote #2 you look the most natural in it. I think you look a bit startled in #4 however if you do decide to go with #5 I can photoshop a sleeve in for you 😉

26 Ms. C { 07.14.09 at 5:53 pm }

I like #1 the best, no question. It is warm and natural.
However, there seems to be a little yellow flower popping out the top of your head. I'm sure you could photoshop that out, though.

27 Jendeis { 07.14.09 at 5:56 pm }

1 or 5 (with the bottom cropped). Friendly and happy.

28 nancy { 07.14.09 at 5:59 pm }

I like number 1 because of your bright smile!

29 Mer { 07.14.09 at 6:03 pm }

Choice #1. They are all lovely, but warmth seems to emanate from choice #1.

30 Nikke { 07.14.09 at 6:04 pm }

I like #4.

31 decemberbaby { 07.14.09 at 6:05 pm }

#1. Definitely.

32 Pundelina { 07.14.09 at 6:10 pm }

In 5 you look happy and chillaxed.

I agree about the weird angle in 1, 2 & 3 and I think 4's not happy enough.

33 Shelby { 07.14.09 at 6:12 pm }

I like #1 best. You seem most friendly and approachable and completely happy in this one.

34 Anjali { 07.14.09 at 6:15 pm }

My vote is for #1. You look very naturally happy. And you look like you.

35 Kim { 07.14.09 at 6:17 pm }

I say #5 but if you are really bothered by the sleeve thing then #1. The grey should most definitely stay.

36 heyLyss09 { 07.14.09 at 6:29 pm }

I vote #1. It's the most genuine smile and looks the most like you're having fun.

37 N { 07.14.09 at 6:34 pm }

I may be the only one, but I like #2 for a head shot. It's friendly, but looks really smart and informed.

38 Meghan { 07.14.09 at 6:36 pm }

I like 1 the best. I think the smile is the most 'you' if that makes any sense.

39 Stacie { 07.14.09 at 6:36 pm }

I like number 2 the best, but they are all beautiful! 🙂

40 runrunlisa { 07.14.09 at 6:43 pm }

Knowing you IRL I think #1 is most "Mel"- you look beautiful in all but I think you look friendliest and most natural in #1!

41 Amanda { 07.14.09 at 6:44 pm }

#4 or #5, I really prefer the looking straight on shots to the looking up ones.

42 Mad Hatter { 07.14.09 at 6:54 pm }

I vote for #5 – there's a nice sparkle in your eyes!

43 Lorza { 07.14.09 at 6:54 pm }

I LOVE NUMBER 1!!! That just catches 'you'. I think it shows your happy, playful nature. I think jacket pictures should just be about what looks good, but what gives you a glimpse into the author's personality.

You look relaxed and happy. 🙂

44 Queenie. . . { 07.14.09 at 6:57 pm }

I vote one or five-your smile looks natural in those, and you look happy. The others look a little forced to me.

45 bbrsbaby { 07.14.09 at 7:01 pm }

#4 definitely looks the most natural!!

46 Elizabeth { 07.14.09 at 7:09 pm }

I like #4 the best, even if it looks a little more serious than the also-popular #1. I think you look authorly in 4 🙂

47 KLTTX { 07.14.09 at 7:10 pm }

I like number 4 with number 1 my second favorite.

48 ~Jess { 07.14.09 at 7:13 pm }

I like 5 particularly if you can crop out the "sleeve-issue".

49 areyoukiddingme { 07.14.09 at 7:14 pm }

I like the pose of #5 (I am also not a fan of the downward camera angle) and the smile in #1. But really, they're all great – I just get the idea that #1 is more you.

50 PaleMother { 07.14.09 at 7:19 pm }

Hi Mel,

The angle of the top three bothers me a bit … with the photographer looking down on you. Looking up shortens your face a bit.

The smile in #1 shows your spirit and reminds me of the Mel I "know" from reading you for so long. But I think the bottom two are more flattering. #4 has the best color. Five is also good … the expression is natural and pretty –just crop it as others suggested. # 5 a little washed out (on my screen) compared to #4.


PS my word verification sounds Yiddish … "verchig" 🙂

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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